The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1460 The Man Is Respecting Her

Chapter 1460 The Man Is Respecting Her
"Hey, say something anyway." Rao Shixin was obviously still dissatisfied.

Liang Feimo was about to start the car, so he said, "I'm going to drive, so I don't care about the occasion."

Rao Shixin: "."

What a pun!
So the car was about to start soon, but a sudden ringing of the mobile phone broke everything.

Liang Feimo picked up his phone and looked at the call, his eyebrows frowned slightly, but he decided to answer the phone first.He pressed the answer button and put the phone to his ear, "Mom."

On the other side of the phone, Mrs. Liang could be heard saying: "Son, Mom has something I hope you can think about."

Liang Feimo: "What's the matter?"

Mrs. Liang: "It's about dealing with Xia Xi. Can you give her a way out?"

Hearing this, Liang Feimo fell silent.

Mrs. Liang knew that this meant she did not intend to agree.After thinking about it, she sighed in a low voice and said, "Son, Xia Xi saved me back then, and I will definitely repay this kindness."

"She has gained a lot in the past few years." Liang Feimo's clear voice added ruthlessness.

Mrs. Liang paused, and then said: "Although this is the case, if she hadn't saved Mom back then, Mom would have had an accident. Son, Xia Xi framed Shi Xin this time, it was indeed too much, but see if you can If you can’t revoke the case against her, it’s like offsetting the kindness for your mother, okay?”

Liang Feimo pondered for a long time, "I'll think about it, let's do this first."

So, the phone hung up.

Rao Shixin was sitting in the passenger seat. After such a long distance, he heard everything.She asked curiously: "Xia Xi really saved Auntie?"

Hearing this, Liang Feimo pursed his thin lips slightly and nodded.

Rao Shixin was quiet for a while before asking: "I heard that you want her to go to jail?"

"That's right." Liang Feimo put down his phone, held her hand, and said, "She dared to frame you, and this is what she deserved."

Rao Shixin felt the gentle palm of the man in his palm, and there was a warmth in his heart.

She knew that the man wanted to stand up for her.

However, thinking about the phone calls she heard just now, she thought about it, and said, "If Auntie wants you to withdraw the case, why don't you follow your heart to love Auntie?"

The man frowned, his handsome face was a little cold.

Rao Shixin leaned back on the seat, looked at the street lights in front of him, and said, "I like Auntie very much. Since Xia Xi once saved Auntie, let's withdraw the notice to her for this sake."

The man's thin lips were pursed tightly.

Rao Shixin: "Besides, even though she wanted to frame me, she failed in the end, and she played herself to death. The press conference she held last time was enough to make her unable to Once she has gained a foothold in this circle, she will not be able to act in the play "Zhaoyang Tianxia", these punishments alone are enough."

After a second or two of silence, the man asked, "Are you sure you want me to do this?"

Hearing this, Rao Shixin was taken aback, and looked at the man, "What if I say sure?"

The man rubbed her palm with his palm and fingertips, without hesitation, "Then listen to you."

Probably because he didn't expect the man to agree so readily, Rao Shixin was also a little surprised.

However, it didn't take long for her to figure out that the man was respecting her.

Just like that, the man picked up the phone again, turned on the screen, and dialed a certain phone number.

Soon, the phone was connected, and he told the person over there in a cold voice: "Listen, Xia Xi's prosecution case will be withdrawn, and there will be a notice. Anyone who dares to ask Xia Xi to film in the future will have trouble with me." .”

(End of this chapter)

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