The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1487 I don't know who it is?

Chapter 1487 I don't know who it is?

In the morning light, the man was sitting there, wearing a high-tailored suit, his eyebrows were exquisite and cold, as if they were carefully carved by God, so that people couldn't take their eyes off at a glance.

Across the long dining table, the man looked at her with deep eyes.

At that moment, her pupils seemed to be sucked by something, and she couldn't move them away no matter what.

In the midst of this delicate atmosphere, there were some sounds from the entrance of the restaurant, accompanied by the hurried steps of the servants.

I don't know that the servant trotted in and whispered something in Uncle Zhang's ear, and then he heard Uncle Zhang's tense but respectful tone, saying to the man in the chair: "Sir, Miss Zhong is here."

As Zhang Bo finished speaking, the man raised his brows slightly, but his handsome and cold face showed no expression at all.

Of course, because Zhang Bo's voice was not very low, it also fell into Nalan Jun's ears.

Miss Zhong?
Nalan Jun felt a sense of discomfort subconsciously.After all, one could tell from this title that the other party was a woman.

I don't know who it is?

Just when doubts flashed through her mind, a slender figure appeared at the entrance with high heels.

The girl is stepping on the sound of buttons, her bright and noble face is stained with a smile, her long hair is rolled up, and she is wearing a bohemian-style long skirt. She walks with feminine gentleness, and her eyes with makeup are shining When he saw the man on the main seat, there was a clear light in his eyes.

"Qi Rui." The girl's voice was soft, and she didn't know if it was intentional when she spoke, sounding a little delicate?
From the time the girl appeared, Nalan Jun secretly looked at the girl.


As far as she knew, when she was pregnant, Leng Qirui seemed to be working on a lot of cooperation projects with the Zhong Group. At that time, Leng Qirui was very busy and often didn't come back until midnight.

Of course, it happened to be the most critical moment when Leng Qirui was in charge of the company, so he was so busy every day.

Seeing this Miss Zhong appearing, she wondered in her heart, could it be that after she left the Leng family, the cooperation between the Leng family and the Zhong family has continued in the past few years, and this Miss Zhong was so unscrupulous in the early morning Come to the door?
Is this enough to prove that the relationship between Leng and Zhong has been very good in the past few years, and under this mutual benefit, Leng Qirui and this Miss Zhong also began to have a different relationship?

Of course, all of the above are just her speculations, but from the current point of view, they should be pretty much the same.

Leng Qirui's exquisite eyebrows did not show any emotional changes, but when his amber pupils saw Nalan Jun's eyes on him and turned to Zhong Ruohan, there was a strange expectation from the bottom of his heart It's starting to ferment.

His palms on the dining table slowly tightened, as if he wanted to grab something, and at the same time his eyes narrowed slightly.

Zhong Ruohan is the eldest lady of the Zhong Group.

She has been studying abroad, and she didn't return to China until a few years ago, and then entered the Zhong Group as the general manager.

In the past few years, because Mr. Zhong was not in good health, he often handed over some of the company's affairs to Zhong Ruohan, the only daughter, to take care of them.

No, the reason why Zhong Ruohan came here early in the morning was for business.

Seeing her smiling, she reached out and took out a document from her bag, and then said: "I'm sorry, Qi Rui, this project plan is a bit urgent, I wanted to go to the company to find you and wait for your signature, but I'm afraid I can't make it in time, so I have to come to your house to find you."

(End of this chapter)

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