The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1488 Can be called the right match

Chapter 1488 Can be called the right match

Leng Qirui rolled his eyelids, glanced lightly at the document in Zhong Ruohan's hand, and asked in a toneless voice, "Have you had breakfast?"

"?" Zhong Ruohan was a little flattered, and shook his head only after confirming what the other party asked in his mind, "Not yet."

Leng Qirui was silent, "Uncle Zhang."

"Yes, sir, what is your order?" Zhang Bo said respectfully, his hands still folded in front of him.

"Order the kitchen to make breakfast for Miss Zhong." Leng Qirui said lightly.

Uncle Zhang nodded, "Understood, sir." After speaking, he looked at the person next to him with a polite smile, and asked, "Miss Zhong, what are your taboos?"

Hearing this, Zhong Ruohan smiled, "No, Uncle Zhang, I've always been more casual about food."

"Okay, then I'll instruct the kitchen to make you a Western-style breakfast for Miss Zhong, please take a seat first." Uncle Zhang respectfully helped to open the dining chair.

Zhong Ruohan responded politely, "Thank you, Uncle Zhang." After speaking, she took her seat.

"Miss Zhong is too polite. Please wait a moment, Miss Zhong. I'll go to the kitchen." Uncle Zhang was very polite as a housekeeper should be. After saying this, he went to the kitchen.

Zhong Ruohan and Zhang Bo are already somewhat familiar with each other as they often come and go in and out of Leng's house.She once thought that if one day she became the hostess of the Leng family, with Uncle Zhang as the housekeeper, she would be able to save a lot of worry.

That's right, she has a crush on Leng Qirui.

Leng Qirui is an excellent man. Not only is he excellent in business ability, he even has a unique vision than others. After studying abroad for many years, she came back to take over the role of Zhong Group. After seeing this man for the first time, she I was completely overwhelmed by this man.

It's just that this man already has a son, which she can't accept, but after a lot of inner struggle, she still can't match the influence of this man on her.

It's always been others who tried their best to find a way to pursue her, but she didn't expect that there would be a time for her.

Leng Qirui made her feel excellent no matter what he was doing. Of course, she thought she was on par, so Leng Qirui was with her, it could be called a good match.

Maybe it was because she remembered that he had a son, so she glanced around the dining table, and finally found a small figure sitting opposite the main seat.

Leng Zimu has a cool face, very similar to Leng Qirui.Just sitting there, the little guy gave off a dignified aura, just like the little princes in every wealthy family who grew up held in the palms of their elders.

It's just a pity that this young man is too cold, and he doesn't like to talk very much, and he doesn't even have much manners.

From her appearance to now, the little guy hasn't even called her auntie.

"Mu Mu, so you're here too. Good morning. I haven't seen you for a long time. Auntie finds that you look better." Zhong Ruohan spoke with a smile and greeted the little guy.

Although she doesn't like this child who always has a cold expression, but she can't stand that this is Leng Qirui's child, so she has to show enthusiasm no matter what.

Leng Zimu had no expression on his face and completely ignored the other party. Instead, he grabbed Nalan Jun's sleeve with his small hand and said, "Junjun, I'm full. I want to draw."

Nalan Jun nodded, "Okay, young master, Jun Jun will accompany you to draw together."

With that said, she was going to lead the little guy away.

Seeing that she was ignored by a child, Zhong Ruohan felt a little embarrassed for a while, but Leng Qirui was still sitting there, and she couldn't be cold to the child.

So, she hummed disdainfully in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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