Chapter 1617

Rao Shichen entered the elevator with one hand in his trouser pocket, his indifferent face made it impossible to see what shit he did in the dressing room just a second ago.

At this time, Rao Shixin saw that his brother ignored him, so he curled his lips and said, "Brother, I'm talking to you."

"I know." Rao Shichen reluctantly responded, "Your voice is like a buzzing fly, how can I not know that you are talking?"

Rao Shixin: "."

Is there a mistake?To describe her voice like a fly?
This brother is simply inhumane.

Liang Feimo frowned slightly, obviously dissatisfied with Rao Shichen's description.I saw him embracing the girl beside him with his palm, his pretty thin lips slightly parted, "How can the sound of a fly be so nice."

Hearing this, Rao Shixin was stunned for a moment, then snorted: "Of course the sound of flies is not so nice."

"It's good that you know." Liang Feimo raised his eyebrows, his dark eyes were like bright stars, "If flies have a voice like yours, then wouldn't flies become national treasures."

Rao Shixin turned his head, only to realize that the man was praising her voice.

So, her eyebrows were tinged with a little pride, "Nonsense, the flies wish to have a voice like mine, but it's a pity that the flies don't have that life."

Liang Feimo raised his lips happily.

The elevator is going up.

Rao Shichen stared at the words, with one hand in his trouser pocket, tall and tall, elegant and dignified.

Behind him, Rao Shixin kept chattering, so Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows slightly, "Grandpa's birthday, why don't you save a few words of congratulations."

"?" Hearing this, Rao Shixin was a little taken aback, and then said: "Of course I want to say blessings."

"So, now you can shut up first." Rao Shichen ordered mercilessly.

Rao Shixin: "!!!"

What's up?Doesn't she like to talk?
Maybe it was because she was rejected by her own brother, the little flame in her heart came up at once.

Too much! Hey!
Just when she was feeling dissatisfied, the man next to her tightened his palm on her slender waist, and following her, she heard the man beside her say, "Say whatever you want, I'm listening."

She didn't expect that a man would give her face like this. At this moment, her heart beat a little out of rhythm.

So, she coughed lightly, wiped her eyes away, and said, "Forget it, I'll save it and say a few more blessings to Grandpa later."

Soon, the elevator reached the top floor, and then separated with a ding.

As the elevator door opened, Rao Shichen stepped out first.

At the end of the corridor, the exquisite door is open, and the dinner party is being held inside.

Walking out of the elevator, I saw a long red carpet on the floor.

Rao Shichen had one hand in his trouser pocket, and his neat suit set off his bamboo-like figure, and his deep and delicate facial features added more charm under the dazzling light.

Behind him, Liang Feimo took Rao Shixin's hand and stepped out of the elevator.

The three of them walked all the way to the banquet, just like a beautiful landscape.

The guards couldn't help but glance over frequently.

All the way to the dinner party, I saw a huge venue with a small fountain in the middle, and musicians playing the piano and violin on both sides.

Naturally, these musicians were specially hired from abroad.

The bright palace lanterns of the dinner party were hanging down from above. Looking around, the crystal wall was brilliant, and most of the politicians and businessmen had already come.

When the people present saw Rao Shichen and others appear, they immediately surrounded them.

(End of this chapter)

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