Chapter 1618 Almost numb
The guests at the banquet tonight are almost all the top figures in the city of Los Angeles, but even people with such a high status in the eyes of others still have to show respect and flattery when facing Rao Shichen.

Of course, Liang Feimo was also included.You must know that the four great dignitaries in Luo City belong to the four surnames of Rao Liang Leng and Gu.

As the guests gathered around, there was a burst of compliments.

"Mr. Rao, I haven't seen you for a long time. Today is the old man's birthday. I came here right away without eating dinner."

"Yes, yes, I am also looking forward to the old man's birthday. No, I came here non-stop as soon as the work was over."

"Tonight's birthday banquet, thanks to the old man's blessing, is able to see Mr. Rao and Mr. Liang, oh yes, and Miss Rao. It's my honor."

"That's right, what Lao Zhang said is too right. In my opinion, the old man is really a lucky person. He has a grandson as capable as Mr. Rao and a beautiful granddaughter as Miss Rao. If I live to the age of the old man, I will If I can have such a blessing, then my life is worth it.”

Everyone flattered with all their might.

Rao Shixin never liked these flattering politicians and businessmen.

In her opinion, these people are nothing more than afraid of the status of their Rao family, that's why they are so hypocritical.

Just pick something nice to say.

She has heard so many compliments since she was a child that she is almost numb.

Standing here, she showed a hint of impatience on her face.

Rao Shichen is a businessman after all, and his emotions and anger are invisible.Facing the compliments from everyone, he still looked calm and unpredictable.

Because there was Liang Feimo present.Liang's is undoubtedly the number one in the jewelry industry. After everyone finished complimenting Rao Shichen, they started to flatter Liang Feimo again.

"Mr. Liang's jewelry has entered the top ten in the world. This is really the glory of our China. I am proud of Mr. Liang."

"That's right, as a Huaxia person, when I went abroad to attend a conference last time, whenever someone mentioned Huaxia, they would mention our Huaxia's Liang's jewelry. At that time, all the foreigners looked at me with admiration. To be honest, it really caught the light of Mr. Liang, which made me feel particularly confident and happy as Huaxia."

"Under Mr. Liang's leadership, Mr. Liang has entered the foreign market all the way from home. It can be seen how powerful Mr. Liang's mind is. I really have to admire him."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Liang is young and promising, he is our role model."

Facing the compliments from this group of people, Liang Feimo's face was cold, without any expression.

Finally, politicians and businessmen apparently feel that their flattery has gone too far.

Rao Shichen and Liang Feimo were indifferent and cold, making people feel awe and inexplicable fear at the same time.

We all know how powerful these two men are in the business world.

The politicians and businessmen who were present did not dare to gather around after the flattering, for fear that they would anger the two men later, and the consequences would be disastrous.

As a result, politicians and businessmen all made appropriate excuses and walked away.

Rao Shixin saw that the crowd finally stopped surrounding him, so he picked out his ears and complained, "It was so noisy just now, like a hundred flies buzzing around my ears."

As her voice fell, she didn't expect someone to say, "It's good that you know."

And that person, of course, was her own brother.

After Rao Shichen said this sentence with disgust, he started to walk towards the spiral staircase.

Behind him, Rao Shixin was stunned for a moment, and then realized that her brother was talking too loudly when Han Han was in the elevator just now.

Can we still be brothers and sisters?

(End of this chapter)

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