The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1619 The old man is a little anxious

Chapter 1619 The old man is a little anxious

Rao Shichen went upstairs along the spiral staircase.

The promenade is full of red lanterns, which has a kind of ancient flavor.

Walking along the corridor to a certain VIP rest room, he stopped, raised his hand to hold the door handle, and opened the door.

As the door opened, I looked up and saw an old man in a red Tang suit with his hands behind his back, pacing back and forth around the sofa and chairs in the exquisitely decorated and luxurious rest room. His face was full of anxiety.

Beside the old man, a man in a black suit also looked uneasy.

"Master, you should take a rest first, walk back and forth like this, you have to go downstairs after the dinner party starts." It was Qin Pei who spoke.

When he left Jingtai Garden and rushed to the hotel just now, he noticed that his old man looked nervous and worried.

Maybe it was influenced by the old man, so that he himself became a little anxious and full of anxiety.

Rao Yanzhong still paced back and forth, completely ignoring Qin Pei's words.

At the door, Rao Shichen saw this situation, so he walked in with his long legs, and closed the door by the way, with special force.

Maybe they heard the sound of closing the door, Rao Yanzhong and Qin Pei glanced at the door, and only then did they notice the person coming.

"Master!" Qin Pei called out respectfully, and his eyes lit up.

The old man has been restless, no matter how much he persuades, it is useless. Now seeing the young master coming, he is naturally happy.

Rao Yanzhong always disliked Rao Shichen, so when he saw him, he snorted softly and continued to pace back and forth.

Just like that, Rao Shichen, who was ignored, came to the old man very politely, and shouted, "Grandpa, happy birthday, I wish you a happy birthday every year, and a happy birthday every year."

Hearing this, Rao Yanzhong stopped his uneasy steps, and reluctantly responded, "Okay, I accept the blessing, you can go out, don't be an eyesore in front of me."

Rao Shichen raised his brows slightly, "Don't grandpa want to know how grandma is doing now?"

As soon as this was mentioned, the old man was different from before, and immediately asked nervously: "What's the matter? Does Yuhui know that today is my birthday?"

Rao Shichen shook his head, "Grandma doesn't know yet."

"You haven't told her yet?" The old man was a little anxious.

"Now is not the time to talk about it, otherwise there will be no surprises." Rao Shichen continued with a flat tone, his thin lips slightly raised, "However, grandma is already at the hotel."

"What? She's at the hotel? Where is she?"

"Grandma is on the nineteenth floor, together with Niannian. Tonight will be the most important moment in grandma's life. You must dress up well." Rao Shichen raised his hand and helped the old man straighten his collar, and then asked : "But, grandpa, what are you doing now?"

When he opened the door just now, he saw the old man walking back and forth nervously. This strange phenomenon made him wonder.

As he asked this question, the old man patted off his hands that were straightening his collar, and then said helplessly, "I'm nervous, worried, and a little scared."

"?" Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking that he had heard wrongly, "Nervous, worried and afraid?"

Rao Yanzhong sighed in a low voice, then sat down on the sofa, bowed his head and said, "It will be made public later, I wonder if Yuhui can accept it? Also, I have lived most of my life, and this is the first time I have met someone Marriage proposal, this"

A person who was powerful and ruthless in the mall when he was young, now he has such a side in his old age.

(End of this chapter)

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