The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1625 This is a bit too much

Chapter 1625 This is a bit too much
"Shit, it seems that I really love you for nothing." The old man snorted and continued: "When I was young, I worked so hard to protect you. Now that you have grown up, you know that you have spoken ill of me. I support you. What are you doing with the windy little padded jacket? Hurry up and find a man to marry tomorrow, so I won’t be upset when I see you.”

Rao Shixin: "!!!"

This is trying to marry her in a different way, right?
Seeing that she didn't speak, the old man continued to scold her, "I'm not ashamed to speak up? Is it right? What do you want me to say about you? You are already old, and you are always in the entertainment industry. Knowing what is going on with those fans, just liking you so much, in my opinion, you can't do anything."

Rao Shixin: "!???"

This count is a little too much.

Anyway, she is also a granddaughter, isn't she!

The old man continued, "Hurry up and quit the entertainment circle for me tomorrow, and go back to Rao's to help your brother. I have arranged a position for you. I will be a director. Learn slowly, get in touch with him slowly, anyway. There is still your brother in the company, so there is no need for you to go to the battlefield immediately."

Rao Shixin: "."

Do you want her to go to the company?
Did he really not consider her thoughts at all?
"What's wrong? Tell me something." The old man glanced at Rao Shixin with some dissatisfaction.

Finally, Rao Shixin raised his hand to wipe his face, and said, "Grandpa, am I your granddaughter?"

"What nonsense are you asking? I hope you're not my own granddaughter, so I won't have to worry about you. What's so good about a place like the entertainment industry? You just have to stay there."

"Tsk, since I'm your granddaughter, can you give me a little face and don't always scold me like this every time we meet, so I won't have confidence."

"Fart, do you have no confidence? I think you have too much confidence. Those fans support you so much, you are going to heaven."

What the old man said was true.

In the past few years, because of Rao Shixin's acting, he has won many awards and has tens of millions of fans. Of course, most of them are black fans, but black fans are still fans.

Rao Shixin was pampered since she was a child. Although she worked harder than others after entering the entertainment industry, she was indeed luckier than others.

She became popular overnight because of acting in a court drama, and she has become even more proud since then. If there is no blow from the old man, I'm afraid she will be even more proud.

The so-called arrogant soldiers must be defeated.

Rao Shichen sipped his tea silently.

Of course, as smart as he is, he naturally knows that the reason why the old man berates Rao Shixin so much is actually just to keep Rao Shixin from being too proud.

Rao Shixin curled her lips, and was used to the old man's complaints, "I got it through my own hard work, so fans love me so much. The entertainment industry is my favorite place. Anyway, if I want to quit, then It is absolutely impossible."

With that said, she stepped up to the sofa and took a seat, picked up the teapot and poured herself a cup of tea, then held it in her hand and took a sip.

Seeing that she was still in the mood to drink tea, the old man immediately blew his beard and stared, and hummed: "The entertainment industry eats youth food, you can only be popular when you are young now, but you will always be old one day, when the time comes What else can you rely on?"

"Don't worry, Grandpa, it is absolutely impossible for me to act for the rest of my life. When I grow old, I will make my own plans. Just take care of yourself first." Rao Shixin continued to drink tea leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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