Chapter 1626 What Did She Miss?
The old man couldn't help but patted the table, "By then you'll be old, what else can you do?"

"Tsk, I'm rich, and I've earned a lot in the past few years, which is enough for me to spend in the future."

"You!" The old man no longer knew what to say.

Rao Shixin probably angered the old man, so he hurriedly said: "Let's not talk about unhappy topics, today is your birthday, grandpa, I wish you every year today and every year today."

As her blessing fell, Rao Shichen, who was holding a cup of tea, said in a cool voice, "I have already said this blessing."

"Fuck, isn't it? Brother, it turns out that we have such a tacit understanding that we even said the same blessing as grandpa."

Rao Shichen looked very disgusted, "Don't compare me with you."

"Hey, we came from the same mother's womb, why can't we compare?" Rao Shixin was very proud, "Speaking of which, brother, I feel very honored to be a parent with you in this life."

At this moment, the old man complained, "You and your brother were born in the same mother, how come your IQ is not of the same level?"

Rao Shixin: "."

Is this belittling her?
The old man was very dissatisfied, "Besides, your brother is so good, do you have the nerve to compare yourself with your brother? You are not ashamed, I am ashamed for you."

Rao Shixin finally couldn't listen anymore, and retorted a little: "No, Grandpa, is my brother that good in your eyes?"

"Of course, your brother can do whatever he wants." The old man gave Rao Shichen a good evaluation.

Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows and smiled, and it was not difficult to see pride in his expression, "Thank you, Grandpa, for the compliment."

As for Rao Shixin, he looked like he had seen a ghost.

What did she miss?
For Grandpa Mao and Brother to become so friendly?

So weird.

Rao Shixin felt that there must be a reason for this.After thinking about it, she realized that there seemed to be two people missing in the rest room, "By the way, where are my sister-in-law and grandma? Why are there no people?"

When she entered the rest room just now, she was so surprised by the friendly picture of her grandfather and brother that she forgot that her sister-in-law and grandmother were not there.

Rao Shichen put down his teacup, raised his hand to straighten his collar, and glanced at Rao Shixin with a meaningful expression.

As for the elderly, the same is true.I saw that his eyes were very dissatisfied.

Rao Shixin was puzzled, "What's wrong? Why does Mao look at me like that?"

The old man finally couldn't help asking Rao Shichen, "Why doesn't she know?"

"Her mouth couldn't keep a secret, so she didn't let her know." Rao Shichen responded lightly.

The old man paused, and then gave a thumbs up in agreement, "Well done."

Rao Shixin was stunned.

No, what do you mean?
Is there something she doesn't know?
At this moment, she felt as if she was being concealed.

Rao Shichen put down his teacup, got up and said, "Grandpa, I'll go see grandma and Niannian first."

"Go, just don't forget my engagement ring." The old man still did not forget to order.

Rao Shichen nodded, "Of course I won't forget this." After speaking, he walked away.

On the sofa, Rao Shixin was shocked.

proposal ring?

Who asked for marriage?

Is it possible
Rao Shixin swept towards the old man in disbelief, "Grandpa, you... you want to propose to grandma?"

It wasn't until this moment that the old man realized that he had slipped up just now, so he put on a fierce look, "Don't tell me that you slipped up, your grandma doesn't know yet."

"Fuck! Grandpa, you're so good at proposing to grandma at the birthday banquet. It's too romantic." Rao Shixin really had to accept the old man's thoughts.

The old man stroked his white hair triumphantly, "That's not true."

(End of this chapter)

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