Chapter 1700 Li Xiangyun chokes

When he saw Li Xiangyun and Lou Shuyu at the door, Rao Yanzhong got angry immediately.

Rao Shichen had no intention of letting Li Xiangyun and Lou Shuyu in.I saw him standing at the entrance with a cold expression.

On the side, Xu Chi was still trying his best to chase away people.

However, Li Xiangyun and Lou Shuyu were very shameless and did not want to leave.

Even, in order to be able to enter the banquet, Li Xiangyun deliberately touched porcelain.

Just now, she fell down on purpose, and then accused Xu Chi of pushing her, causing Xu Chi to take several steps back in fright.

It was precisely because of these movements that it attracted everyone's attention.

Of course, Chen Yuhui was also included.However, before Chen Yuhui came up to see clearly, she was hugged by Rao Shixin's arms, unable to leave in a daze.

Rao Shichen's face was cold and cold, "Wait here, what are you doing here?"

Li Xiangyun saw that someone from Rao's family finally came to stop her, instead of a lowly dog ​​from Rao's family, a glimmer of hope rose in her heart.

Long before she came, she knew that it might not be so easy to enter the banquet, so she was well prepared.

Just now, she made a big noise under the pretense of falling down, in order to attract people from the Rao family. Now it seems that her trick was successful.

Seeing Rao Shichen appear in front of her, of course she quickly got up from the ground, with enthusiasm on her face, "Mr. Rao, you are finally here. This person has been blocking us and not letting us in."

When Lou Shuyu saw Rao Shichen, there was a hint of obsession in his eyes.

Under the light, Rao Shichen's handsome face was stained with a halo, and the black suit he was wearing further brought out his jade-like skin, exquisite and profound facial features, coupled with his noble temperament, it was like an ink painting Young Master Pianran who came out of the room.

This man is so outstanding, but she set her sights on Lin Cheng, and even ruined herself like this for Lin Cheng. Think about it, she is really stupid!
Fortunately, she is finally awake now.

Soon, she closed her obsessive eyes, and said with a smile on her face, "Mr. Rao, I know that today is Master Rao's birthday. My grandma and I came here to celebrate Master Rao's birthday."

Li Xiangyun also said immediately: "Yes, yes, we came here on purpose to give gifts to Master Rao, but this assistant is so disrespectful that he won't let us in."

Xu Chi listened from the side, thinking that the people in this Lou's family were ridiculous.

Thinking of suing Mr. Rao?
Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows slightly, "Could it be that the two of you didn't hear what I said just now, no one is allowed to enter?"

Hearing this, Li Xiangyun and Lou Shuyu were taken aback.

Rao Shichen continued: "My assistant doesn't let you in, that's his responsibility, understand?"

Does this mean that they are idlers?

Li Xiangyun and Lou Shuyu looked a little stiff.Soon, Li Xiangyun shamelessly teased the relationship and said, "Mr. Rao, I am Nian Nian's grandma. After all, we are from my mother's family. How can we be idlers?"

"Oh?" Rao Shichen's lips curled up with a hint of coldness, "Niannian has a natal family?"

Li Xiangyun choked.

At this time, Xu Chi opened his mouth to chase people away, "It's better to invite you two to go back, otherwise we will call Baoquan to chase people away."

If they drive people away, it will definitely cause more commotion, which is why Rao Shichen has not let Xu Chi do this until now.

Before Chen Yuhui knew Lou's family was coming, she politely drove them away. Of course, if there was really no other way, then it could only be called security.

(End of this chapter)

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