Chapter 1701 Very Brazen

If the security came, it would be a bit embarrassing to be kicked out.

It depends on whether the Lou family still cares about face.

However, Xu Chi never imagined that the people of the Lou family would even disregard face in order to gain relationships.

Li Xiangyun could only be heard saying: "We are Nian Nian's natal family, this time we want to celebrate Master Rao's birthday, we won't go back."

This means planning to die.

A little disgust appeared on Rao Shichen's brows.

Of course, Xu Chi was confused by Lou's shameless appearance and didn't know what to do.

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people.

Soon, he asked for instructions: "Mr. Rao, what should we do?"

Rao Shichen's expression was slightly restrained, as if he was deep in thought.

Li Xiangyun, who was prevented from entering the banquet, saw that Rao Shichen did not call for security, and his slightly frown brows relaxed.

Today is Master Rao's birthday banquet, if they are really kicked out by the security guard, although they will lose face, it will affect the banquet after all.

Also, some of the people present must know them. After all, although their Lou's company is not well-received in Los Angeles, it is still well known by many people.

As a member of Lou's company, he came to celebrate the old man's birthday, but was kicked out by Rao's family. What does it sound like?

With this in mind, Li Xiangyun said confidently, "Mr. Rao, just let us in. After all, we are all family."


Rao Shichen's expression turned cold a few degrees.He has always acted decisively, if it wasn't because he didn't want the banquet to be affected, otherwise how could he waste his time being "polite" with them here?
Right now, the people from the Lou family are planning to carry out their shamelessness to the end. If so, why are they being "polite"?
Soon, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and then ordered Xu Chi, "Call for security."

When Xu Chi heard this, he nodded immediately, "Yes."

Li Xiangyun and Lou Shuyu were dumbfounded.

From their point of view, Rao Shichen would definitely not call Bao Quan to save face.

But it turns out that they were thinking too much.

After Rao Shichen gave the order, he turned around and left without giving any face.

As for Xu Chi, he had already dialed the phone.

Li Xiangyun and Lou Shuyu were at a loss for a while.

Gu Quan rushed forward in just a few seconds.

According to Xu Chi's order, Baoquan started to chase people away.

The movement was so loud that it disturbed the guests present.

Chen Yuhui was still being pestered by Rao Shixin and couldn't get away at all.

As for Rao Yanzhong, after knowing that the people outside the door were Li Xiangyun and Lou Shuyu, he turned around and came back.

He was too lazy to look at those two people.

Soon, he came to Chen Yuhui's side. Before he could speak, he heard Chen Yuhui ask: "Who is outside the banquet? Why do I always feel familiar?"

"Hey, you've got the wrong person. You definitely don't know him. Come on, let's have a drink." Rao Yanzhong obviously didn't want Chen Yuhui to know who the two people outside were.

Rao Shixin rolled his eyes, then twirled the juice and handed it to Chen Yuhui, "Grandma, have a drink."

On the side, Lou Jianian heard the movement from outside, it was really loud.

Some guests had gradually heard the commotion, so they went outside curiously to watch.

Outside the banquet, Li Xiangyun and Lou Shuyu were very brazen.

Even though they were dragged by the security guard, the two still refused to leave and still yelled loudly.

Li Xiangyun could only be heard shouting: "We are members of the Lou family. Today we are here to celebrate Master Rao's birthday. You can't drive us away."

(End of this chapter)

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