The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1722 The deadliest weakness

Chapter 1722 The deadliest weakness

"I've heard my father mention it since I was a child. The girls in our Lou family basically have a 50.00% chance of being inherited in their blood. Since birth, my sister and I have done blood work since we are both girls. Screening, I'm lucky, my genetic probability is 30.00%, as for my sister, it's as high as 90.00%, my sister left Lou's house since she was a child, so I don't know about it yet"

After talking a lot, Rao Shichen frowned slightly.

The whole rest room was filled with the smell of Lou Shuyu's perfume, but he still endured it, just wanting to know what's wrong with Lou Jianian's body.

However, after Lou Shuyu had said so much, he still hadn't gotten to the point, so he folded his palms together and said coldly, "Say the point!"

Lou Shuyu was taken aback for a moment, struggled for a while, and then said, "Sister, she, she."

"What's wrong with her?" Finally, Rao Shichen was impatient.

Hearing that Rao Shichen didn't want to listen to nonsense anymore, Lou Shuyu closed his eyes, took a deep breath, slightly opened his lips, and his tone was a bit firm——

"She can't have children!"

In another rest room.

Lou Jianian looked at the night scene outside, but his whole mood was already in turmoil.

Behind him came Li Xiangyun's voice.I could hear a lot of pain, sadness, and complexity in her voice.
Although Li Xiangyun doesn't like her, there is one thing she is absolutely sure of, that is Li Xiangyun's absolute true love for her father, Lou Yaozu, who is Li Xiangyun's eldest son.

Of course, that kind of love is the love of a mother for her son.

Li Xiangyun is stubborn and refuses to admit defeat, but she has one of the deadliest weaknesses she knows, and that is Li Xiangyun's eldest son, Lou Yaozu!
That's right, as long as Lou Yaozu is involved, Li Xiangyun will instantly transform from a bitter old woman into a loving mother.

Although Li Xiangyun is very hateful, his love for his eldest son Lou Yaozu is selfless and great. This is an undeniable and indelible fact.

There was evening wind blowing in from the window, Lou Jianian closed his eyes and listened to the people behind him saying——

"In the dream, your father was blaming me for not taking good care of you, and even throwing you into the orphanage. Your father said that he would never forgive me in this life. Nian Nian, my heart is like being stabbed by a knife. It seems that your father has always been my pride. I have had a bad life in my life. If it weren't for giving birth to your father, I think my fate may never be changed.
Your father is so outstanding. He has always shown super IQ and ability since he was a child, and he is deeply loved by the old man. It is because of your father that my status in the Lou family has changed rapidly. My family members are willing to look at me because I gave birth to your father. Before that, how humble I was in the Lou family. Your father is my salvation. Nian. I...
I say this just to let you know that after giving birth to your father, I am really happy. I have always thought that your father is the lucky star given to me by God. Even after I gave birth to your uncles and Auntie, but in my heart, your father's position will never be replaced. If I were to exchange my life for your father's life, I would definitely be willing, but the car accident that year took your father's life away.
When I heard the news, I couldn't accept the blow at all, so I blamed all the faults on you at that moment. Speaking of which, what's wrong with you?You are just a 7-year-old child, I shouldn't blame you, I also threw you into the orphanage, during this time, every time I close my eyes, I will fall into deep self-reflection, I"

(End of this chapter)

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