The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1723 Blame her for being stupid!

Chapter 1723 Blame her for being stupid!
Speaking of this, Li Xiangyun could be heard choking.

Lou Jianian slowly opened his eyes, as if looking at an unknown distance.

But in fact, what flashed through her mind was after the car accident that year. In the dark night, she was still lying in the hospital and woke up after receiving treatment, but was dragged out of bed by Li Xiangyun arbitrarily, and walked along the corridor of the hospital. Dao was dragged all the way outside the gate until she was finally dragged into a black nanny van.

She still remembers deeply. When she was thrown into the car, Li Xiangyun told her with scarlet eyes, with a look of hatred for her - "You bastard, from today onwards, you are no longer my Lou family. people!"

After saying this, the car door was slammed shut, and the car started, and when the car stopped again, it was already the gate of the orphanage.

How deep that night was, she no longer remembered, the only thing she could remember was that she was left at the gate of the orphanage.

The little girl was abandoned!
And all this is due to her killing her parents.

Because of the unwarranted condemnation, for many years later, she deeply believed that the car accident was caused by her.

Memories from the depths of her memory flooded in, and there were some complicated emotions in her eyes.

Li Xiangyun's remorse came too late.

For Li Xiangyun, she lost her favorite eldest son in that car accident, but for her, it was also the loss of her favorite parents.

It was clear that both of them lost the person they loved the most, but she was forced to take all the responsibilities, and the person who blamed her was her grandma, not to mention that she was only 7 years old at that time.

How much Li Xiangyun should hate her to blame her for all the mistakes!

Maybe it was because of these thoughts that she was so calm about Li Xiangyun's so-called confession.

Yes, she was also hurt in that car accident, but instead of loving her, Li Xiangyun hurt her a second time.

They say change your heart for your heart.

She also thought about exchanging her sincerity for Li Xiangyun's sincere treatment, but Li Xiangyun didn't care about her at all.If Li Xiangyun really put his heart into it, then he was just thinking about how to let her die.

Blame her for being stupid!
Now, she has come to her senses, knowing that there is absolutely no need for nostalgia for this kind of kinship, but Li Xiangyun came to confess to her again.

How ridiculous!
There are some things that can't be done just by saying sorry.

Many thoughts turned in her heart in that instant, and her eyes became clearer.

In the ear, I could hear Li Xiangyun's sobbing voice, "Nian Nian, grandma made a mistake, a big mistake, can you...can you forgive grandma? I beg you like a grandma."

Lou Jianian's eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly the corners of his lips curled into a sneer, "So, you have said so much, and you just came to ask me to forgive you?"

"I..." Li Xiangyun's eyes were all red, "I used to be too outrageous, Nian Nian, I hope you can forgive me, today, I sincerely want to ask for your forgiveness."

Lou Jianian raised her eyebrows slightly, her voice sounded indifferent, "If you beg, I have to agree? Why?"

"Nian Nian, I." Li Xiangyun was a little at a loss.

"Don't call me Nian Nian, I really don't know you that well, Madam Lou."

"You are my granddaughter."

"No, I'm not." Lou Jianian reminded in a cold voice: "Your granddaughter is called Lou Shuyu, not Lou Jianian!"

(End of this chapter)

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