The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1734 I'm Feeling Embarrassed

Chapter 1734 I'm Feeling Embarrassed
Sang Ye frowned, and asked coldly, "What are you together?"

"That's right." Jing Chen licked his lips, glanced at a man and a woman who were still French kissing on the dance floor, and then bit the bullet and said, "Yes, let's kiss together."

Hearing this, Sang Ye's eyes sank, then she put down the wine glass in her hand, turned around and walked away coldly.

Seeing her go, Jing Chen hurried to catch up, "Hey, hey, where are you going?"

Sang Ye said without looking back, "No more acting."

Stop acting?
Jing Chen's eyes widened, his whole body was not well.

It was agreed that he would not act until he found a girlfriend, but after only one day of acting, he was about to quit?
How can this work?

Fearing that Sang Ye was telling the truth, Jing Chen had no choice but to chase after him all the way.

On the dance floor, a kiss that lasted nearly 5 minutes ended.

The people present burst into applause.

Rao Shixin was completely embarrassed.

The cheeks of a person who has always been proud are obviously hot at this moment.

Both of her hands were tightly gripping the collar of the man's suit, her eyes were slightly closed, she was panting heavily, her whole head was almost buried in the man's chest.

Liang Feimo was still holding the girl's face with both hands, and he could feel the temperature of the girl's cheeks through the touch of his palms.

At the table not far away, Rao Yanzhong and Chen Yuhui looked at the scene with smiles.

Rao Yanzhong clicked his tongue twice, "Shi Xin, this stinky girl, can be shy sometimes. It's been a long time since I've seen you. It seems that this boy from the Liang family is really Shi Xin's doom. In my opinion, from now on Liang The boy can cure her."

"I remember, in front of Mr. Liang, you were talking about my precious granddaughter." Chen Yuhui joked: "Why are you a stinky girl in private?"

"Hey, in front of my future in-laws, I have to hold my hand. After all, Shi Xin is a girl, and the old Liang family wants to marry Shi Xin through the door, so as a grandfather, I always have to put on airs for Shi Xin's future in-laws." Well, otherwise when I look back, I will be wronged by marrying Xin, what should I do?"

In fact, Chen Yuhui also understood this truth without Rao Yanzhong's explanation.

Chen Yuhui took a sip of her drink and said, "You clearly love Shi Xin from the bottom of your heart, so why do you always despise and belittle Shi Xin in front of Shi Xin?"

As her words fell, Rao Yanzhong was slightly stunned. After a long time, he sighed softly and said, "You don't know that Shi Xin was spoiled when she was young."

Chen Yuhui raised her eyebrows, and then she continued to hear Rao Yanzhong say——

"Since Shi Xin was born, her father and I have spoiled her very much. Girls always have to be spoiled, but if they are spoiled too much, they will easily become coquettish and domineering. Even if there is an accident, I will not change the way I love her.
When her father left, people who wanted to compete for the position of President Rao were staring at her. I had to send Shi Xin and Shi Chen abroad overnight. It was during the time abroad that Shi Xin's character gradually changed Re-cultivated. Speaking of it, I have to thank her uncle for his education. Later, when Shi Xin returned to China, she was already 15 years old.
15 years old, that age is also the time when girls are most likely to be rebellious. I didn't dare to spoil, so I kept acting as a black face. Shi Chen has always had the same temper since he was a child, but Shi Xin is different. Shi Xin was spoiled. Before the age of 6, everyone who should be spoiled is spoiled, but her life from the age of 6 will not have the participation of her parents, so I, a grandfather, cannot ruin Shixin."

(End of this chapter)

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