The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1735 The old man also has guilt in his heart

Chapter 1735 The old man also has guilt in his heart
Chen Yuhui silently listened to Rao Yanzhong's story about the two children's growth, and she had to feel hard for Rao Yanzhong and the two children.

Until he finished speaking, Rao Yanzhong's eyes also showed some enthusiasm.

Thinking that it is not easy to have two children for so many years, the old man also feels guilty.

Losing their parents since childhood, and then being sent abroad, the childhood experience of Rao Shichen and Rao Shixin is a kind of regret in the hearts of the elderly.

Whether in the Rao family or the Fu family, Rao Shichen and Rao Shixin have never lacked money and status, but the love of their parents is the only thing they can no longer have since they were 6 and 9 years old.

Seeing that Rao Yanzhong's mood was getting better, Chen Yuhui put down the drink in his hand, then held Rao Yanzhong's hand, and comforted him: "It's all over, look, Shi Chen and Shi Xin are so good now, Shi Chen is so talented. Business acumen, manages the Rao family so well, and Shixin, in the show business circle, has made a name for herself with her own ability, how outstanding these two children are."

Hearing this, Rao Yanzhong was finally relieved, "Yes, now that Shi Chen has taken care of the Rao family so well, Shi Xin, a girl, although I don't approve of acting, this girl is indeed capable. It's just that I have gained some fame, these two children are excellent, and I can be regarded as worthy of my dead son and daughter-in-law."

There was a smile in Chen Yuhui's eyes, "Now that Shi Chen is married and Shi Xin has found a place to belong, you should worry less about it in the future. Anyway, enjoy the blessings you should enjoy."

"You're right, I should be blessed, but I still need a great-grandson. Speaking of which, the two are 28 and 25. At this age, I don't want to hurry up and give birth to a baby for me. "When Rao Yanzhong mentioned the great-grandson, he panicked.

Chen Yuhui smiled and didn't speak.

At this moment, Rao Yanzhong noticed sharply, "Hey, Chen has been missing since just now? Where did he go? Wait a minute, Nian Nian is not here, could it be?"

Speaking of this, the old man's eyes lit up, he hurriedly got up, and said, "I have to see if that brat is working hard."

So, the old man left in a flash.

At the table, Chen Yuhui was left alone shaking his head and laughing.

Rao Yanzhong walked up the stairs to the second floor to search.

If the brat can still work so hard at a banquet like today, it proves that the brat has the intention to give birth to a great-grandson for an old man like him.

Not to mention, the supporting facilities of this hotel are very comprehensive. If the party is over and Brat and Nian Nian don't want to go home, it's fine to stay here for one night.

However, now he wants to know, is his brat trying to mess with Nian Nian?

If he is not doing serious things, then his wish will be granted. Of course, if he is doing serious things, such as work, then don't blame him, a grandfather, for interrupting his dog legs ruthlessly.

The boy from the Liang family looked cold, but he knew that he would have a romantic kiss with Shi Xin on this occasion. In comparison, the brat in their family has been serious since the banquet, and has never had a romantic kiss with Shi Xin. Nian Nian had any intimacy that transcended.

I have to say, thinking about it, he felt that his brat was not good enough.

Along the corridor, old people would knock on the door of every room they passed, and then hold the doorknob and try to open the door.

From the first room to the third room, there was no one there. When he reached the fourth room, he held the doorknob, and when he twisted it, he heard a noisy and familiar voice from inside.

(End of this chapter)

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