Chapter 1736
Because the door opened a gap, the old man heard voices coming from inside.

The voice sounded so familiar that he had to secretly put his ear against the crack of the door, just to hear if it was the person he knew.

Through the door, in the lounge, Lou Jianian's eyes were clear and cold, and he didn't even look straight at the person kneeling in front of him.

Li Xiangyun's eyes were full of tears, "Nian Nian, grandma really knows her mistakes. The past is all because grandma's eyes were blinded. As long as you can forgive grandma, from today onwards, grandma will definitely change her mind and make up for what your grandma once did. Your fault, grandma"

In the middle of the conversation, the door was knocked open unexpectedly, and Li Xiangyun was knocked down to the ground in a daze.

As the door was pushed open, Rao Yanzhong, who had been eavesdropping outside, was immediately exposed.I saw the old man blushing angrily and pointing at the person who was knocked down on the ground, saying: "You old hag, how dare you ask Niannian to forgive you? Don't think that what you did to Niannian back then It can be easily erased, and now Niannian is the granddaughter-in-law of my Rao family, if you ask for forgiveness, I, the old man, will be the first to refuse!"

Li Xiangyun, who was still kneeling on the ground, never expected that the door would be suddenly opened by someone.Since her back was facing the door, as soon as the door was opened forcefully, she fell to the ground.

This brute force came so fast that she hit the door with her back, grinning her teeth in pain.

Lou Jianian was stunned when he saw that the person who opened the door was Rao Yanzhong.But in the next second, she realized that the old man was eavesdropping outside just now.

No wonder she could hear the sound of the outside door being twisted, it was just because Li Xiangyun kept kneeling on the ground talking, diverting her attention.

Now that I think about it, the person who opened the door just now should be the old man.

She didn't expect the old man to appear suddenly, and she felt warm in her heart. Of course, it was more because of what the old man said just now.

The old man's words almost reached her heart.

That's right, what Li Xiangyun has done to her cannot be easily erased. After all, what has been done is what has been done. Unless she loses her memory and cannot remember it, she will never forgive her in this life.

Seeing the angry look of the old man, Lou Jianian immediately stepped forward, supported the old man, and comforted him: "Grandpa, don't be angry."

Rao Yanzhong grabbed Lou Jianian's hand with his palm, and hurriedly said: "Niannian, you can't be confused for a while, this old guy definitely didn't want to ask for your forgiveness, you can't be deceived!"

Hearing this, Lou Jianian was stunned for a moment, and his eyes became darker.

In fact, she didn't really believe that Li Xiangyun would really repent.

It could be said that Li Xiangyun hated her so much before, and then in such a short period of time, Li Xiangyun suddenly changed his past and regretted what he had done to her before. Speaking of it, this is really weird.

After thinking about it, she thought that Li Xiangyun must be planning something when he came to ask her for forgiveness today.

Could it be that he wants to ask for her forgiveness, so as to win her trust, so that she can hand over Lou Shi?
Apart from this, I'm afraid there will be no other purpose.

No matter what, she would never be fooled by Li Xiangyun's few words anyway.

Thinking of this, she pursed her lips, and then answered the old man, saying, "Grandpa, don't worry, I'm not a little white rabbit, and my ears are not so soft."

(End of this chapter)

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