The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1743 Lou Shuyu's Eyes Change 1

Chapter 1743 Lou Shuyu's eyes changed

Recalling that in another rest room just now, in order to hold Lou Jianian back, she purposely knelt down.

Kneeling is not to show sincerity, but to delay time better.

After all, she had to make Lou Shuyu's affairs go well before Lou Jianian could leave.

But I didn't expect that the plan didn't go well, so she just knelt in vain.

Originally, she was very unwilling to kneel to Lou Jianian, but she thought that as long as the plan was successful, then she would be able to see the scene of Lou Jianian collapsing, and then everything would be worth it.

It's a pity that no matter how perfect the plan is, it can't compare to the rapid changes.

What is going on?

Why did the plan fail?

Rao Shichen put his arms around Lou Jianian, raised his eyebrows slightly, "Now, shall we play a game?"

"Game?" Lou Jianian was taken aback for a while, but soon understood what was going on.

Then, she glanced at Lou Shuyu, stepped forward, and stretched out her hand to tear off the tape on Lou Shuyu's mouth.

Lou Shuyu opened his mouth, his cheeks were swollen and painful, and his eyes were fixed on her, wishing for her to die.

At this moment, Rao Shichen walked to the coffee table, picked up a fruit knife on the table and played with it in his palm.

Rao Yanzhong saw that it was going to be fun, so he walked unhurriedly to the sofa and took a seat, then turned the teapot and took the cup and poured himself a cup of tea.

Then, the old man leaned back on the sofa comfortably, holding the tea in his hand, and drank it slowly.

Lou Jianian glanced at Li Xiangyun who was on the ground before speaking, and asked Lou Shuyu, "Now that both of you are in our hands, I can mercifully let one of you go for today's matter." , tell me, who do you want to stay?"

Lou Shuyu was silent for a while, and then said: "Let grandma go, I will stay."

"It's good." Lou Jianian clicked his tongue twice, "It's quite filial." She said, she exchanged glances with the man.

So, the man threw the knife he was playing with in his palm to her in a beautiful arc, and she caught it neatly.

She gestured a few times with the knife on her hand, and then pressed the blade against Lou Shuyu's face, "Let her go, then you will be disfigured."


Lou Shuyu's eyes changed.

For a woman, if her face is disfigured, it is so serious.

Now she is an entertainer, without a face, how can she act?

"How is it? Have you made a decision? You two, whoever goes and who stays?" Lou Jianian raised his eyebrows.

Lou Shuyu pursed his lips, "What exactly do you want?"

On the ground, Li Xiangyun glared at Lou Jianian with stern eyes.

Lou Jianian didn't pay attention to Li Xiangyun at all, but lightly scratched Lou Shuyu's face with the blade of the knife, and in an instant, traces of bright red came out.

"Ah! Lou Jianian, you are serious!" Lou Shuyu could feel the pain on his face, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"So, you think I'm joking?" Lou Jianian twirled the knife in his hand a few times, then pressed it against Lou Shuyu's face again, "Say!"

Lou Shuyu gritted his teeth, "Anyway, grandma is getting old, grandma stays here, let me go!"

"Tsk, don't pretend anymore?" Lou Jianian sneered, "You think too much, both of you, I won't let anyone go."

Next, she reached out to touch Lou Shuyu's body, and then searched the phone.

Lou Shuyu gritted his teeth, "Give me back the phone."

However, Lou Jianian ignored her at all, just cracked the password on her mobile phone and checked her mobile phone.

(End of this chapter)

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