The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1744 Unless it is self-inflicted

Chapter 1744 Unless it is self-inflicted

The inside of the mobile phone turned around, that is, some ordinary software.

In WeChat, there are some social software and so on. She also checked it.

Nothing to see at all.

Unexpectedly, there was nothing in Lou Shuyu's phone, even WeChat, it was just some normal chats.

But how is it possible?

The reason why Lou Shuyu didn't leave anything in the phone was just to prevent the phone from falling into other people's hands one day, and then being checked for some unreadable secrets.

Everyone has their own secrets in their mobile phones.

Of course, Lou Shuyu is no exception, but it just deletes everything in advance.

But that's okay, it just so happens that her hacking skills come in handy.

So, she quickly operated on the phone.

On the side, Lou Shuyu sneered, "What do you think is in my phone? I am an upright person, and I have no secrets that I can't hide from others."

Lou Jianian ignored her at all and just continued to operate.

In WeChat, she restored some deleted friends and destroyed video calls, including photos.

Some of the recovered WeChat friends include Lin Cheng, Lou Shuyu's former assistant, as well as managers, directors, and some people who interacted at work.

She also looked through the chat records.

Through those records, she saw some videos, first of all, some scenes of sex between Lou Shuyu and Lin Cheng several months ago.

Can this be recorded?
Does Lou Shuyu have some evil tastes?

Then, there was some dialogue between Lou Shuyu and his manager Guo Feifei.During the conversation, there were basically some work exchanges, and there was also the matter about the acquisition of Bei Xiao's music creation.

Unexpectedly, all the evidence of the acquisition of Bei Xiao's inspired creation is here.

Of course, Lou Shuyu's acquisition of Beixiao Music has long been known, so the current evidence does not seem to be that important.

She continued to search and search, and finally she set her sights on the so-called director Zhang's name.

After looking at the records, she raised her eyebrows slightly. From those ambiguous and bold chats, she learned one thing, that is, when Lou Shuyu was with Lin Cheng, he even cuckolded Lin Cheng.

In such an explicit and bold chat, she saw the so-called director Zhang's evaluation of Lou Shuyu's figure.

There are even some videos in it.

After thinking about it, she thought the video might be useful, so she clicked on it.

Unexpectedly, when the video started, she froze for a moment.

In the video, almost all of them are.
Also, every place where the picture appears is different.

These were all sent to Lou Shuyu by the so-called Director Zhang.

After watching one or two videos, she glanced at Lou Shuyu.

Unexpectedly, Lou Shuyu also experienced unknown incidents.

Of course, even after watching the video, she still didn't have any intention of pity Lou Shuyu.

Lou Shuyu, how could he be easily manipulated by others, unless it was his own doing.

However, Director Zhang was able to handle Lou Shuyu, which aroused her curiosity.

So, through the so-called director Zhang, she carefully looked through the information and found out that this director Zhang is the top music executive director of Shengji Entertainment Company, named Zhang Yichi.

Wait, the name Zhang Yichi is somewhat familiar.

(End of this chapter)

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