The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1762 A Kind of Laziness and Coquettishness

Chapter 1762 A Kind of Laziness and Coquettishness

Under the Yingying light, her soft and beautiful lips opened and closed, and her complexion looked very smooth.

Liang Feimo looked at it and couldn't hear what she said at all, but the dark eyes were even more radiant.

The next second, he raised his hand and pinched her jaw directly, and then his thin lips fell forcefully.

The whole apartment fell silent in an instant.

How could Rao Shixin have the opportunity to be naughty.

The clock on the wall reads 12 o'clock in the morning.

Gradually, a rustling sound of undressing came from the apartment.

This night seemed a little long.

Four o'clock!
A life-threatening alarm clock rang.

On the big bed, Rao Shixin stretched out white from under the quilt, and finally found the phone after rubbing it.

She squinted her eyes and slid her fingers casually, so the phone fell silent.

Then she rolled over and fell asleep again.

However, a warm body next to her took her into his arms and fell asleep with her arms around her.

About 10 minutes later, the death-like ringtone came again. This time, it was not an alarm clock, but a telephone.

Rao Shixin was woken up, stretched out his hand and managed to touch the phone, then pressed the answer button, squinted his eyes and brought the phone to his ear, "Who is it?"

Because she hadn't fully woken up yet, her drowsy voice had a kind of laziness and coquettishness.

As her voice fell, there was a roar on the other end of the phone——

"Rao Shixin! Have you woken up? Our flight at five o'clock, my little ancestor! Don't tell me you're still sleeping?"

With such an astonishing voice, besides being Yang Hui, I no longer want to be anyone else.

Rao Shixin opened his eyes wide, and immediately sat up in shock, "Damn! I almost forgot, I"

On the phone, Yang Hui's almost pissed-off voice could be heard, "I knew it, you're not in a hurry, clean it up for me, and I'm already waiting for you at the door, open the door!"

"I" Rao Shixin just wanted to speak, but the call was already hung up by the other party.

Looking at the phone, she was stunned for a moment.But in the next second, she immediately lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed.

However, at this moment, a palm behind her suddenly clasped her waist, and another force was applied, so her body fell back.

Then, she heard a man's magnetic and pleasant voice after experiencing lust, saying, "Where are you going?"

When asked by the man, she replied angrily, "I'm going to the airport, and it's all your fault. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have almost overslept. The alarm clock was set for four o'clock. I'm so sleepy, Liang Feimo, let me go!"

"To the airport?" Liang Feimo didn't let go, but frowned, "Where do you want to fly?"

"I'm going to the United States, and I won't be able to come back these few days." Rao Shixin pushed him, "Let go of me, or I really won't be in time, and Sister Yang is already waiting for me at the door. "

Hearing what she said, the man didn't bother anymore, but let go.

So, she hurried into the bathroom and began to wash.

On the big bed, Liang Feimo sat leaning against the head of the bed, arms crossed.

Rao Shixin thought that he finished washing as quickly as possible, then rushed out of the bathroom, applied lotion and other things, and briefly put on makeup, and finally found a suit of clothes to change into.

After she was done, she dragged out the luggage she had already prepared from the cloakroom.

Liang Feimo watched all this silently, with an impermanent expression, but the frown deepened.

(End of this chapter)

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