Chapter 1763 Obviously angry
Just when Rao Shixin was getting ready, the phone rang again, and it was Yang Hui calling.Obviously, she was getting impatient waiting outside the door, so she called to remind her.

On the side, Liang Feimo saw the phone ringing, and just reached out to get it, but was stopped by Rao Shixin.

Then, Rao Shixin ran to the bedside table, took the phone and pressed the answer button.

As she brought the phone to her ear, she heard the other party say, "Are you alright? How long have I been standing outside the door?"

"Okay, okay, I can go out now, just wait a moment, I'll open the door for you right away."

After Rao Shixin finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone.Then, she dragged her luggage and was about to leave the room immediately.

However, at this moment, on the big bed, the man suddenly lifted the quilt and got out of bed, then took the bathrobe on the side and put it on, and at the same time stepped forward with his long legs, intending to leave the room.

Seeing this, Rao Shixin quickly pressed the man's body, "What are you doing?"

The man raised his eyebrows slightly, tied the belt on his palm, and said, "Send it to you."

"Thank you very much. Sister Yang is waiting outside the door. I warn you not to come out!" Rao Shixin put on a fierce look.

The man was silent for a while, "Can't I see people?"

"Nonsense." Rao Shixin spoke quickly, and when he saw the man's face turned cold, he quickly changed his words: "Bah, I didn't mean that, I just wanted to say that this apartment belongs to me. Going out with me, I was seen by Sister Yang, if I am late in the future, Sister Yang must mistakenly think that I am with you, anyway, you are not allowed to come out. "

Fortunately, men can accept these words, so they compromised.

Rao Shixin pulled the suitcase tiredly, then left the room, walked quickly to the entrance of the hall and opened it.

As soon as the door opened, Yang Hui looked impatient outside, "I'm finally waiting for you, you."

While speaking, she glanced sharply at the messy white shirts, ties, and other male clothes on the floor in front of the coffee table inside the door.

Rao Shixin belatedly remembered the clothes thrown on the floor in the living room, so he hurriedly closed the door.

However, at this moment, the sound of steady footsteps and the man's magnetic and pleasant voice suddenly came from inside, "Xinxin, wait a minute"

After hearing this familiar voice, Rao Shixin turned around and saw a man in a bathrobe walking towards her.

At that moment, she was completely dumbfounded.

Liang Feimo stepped on soft cotton slippers, and his long legs looked strong and powerful. Looking up, he saw a white bathrobe with a loose neckline, revealing his well-defined chest and abdominal muscles.

Outside the door, Yang Hui was stunned.

Soon, Liang Feimo walked up to Rao Shixin, handed her the sunglasses in his hand, raised his eyebrows and said softly, "I forgot the sunglasses."

Rao Shixin held back his emotions, and raised his hand to take the sunglasses.

Then, Liang Feimo rubbed the top of her hair with his palm, and said: "Remember to call me when you arrive, you know?"

Rao Shixin gritted her teeth, "Got it." After finishing speaking, she turned and walked out the door, closing the door by the way.

The door was slammed shut.

Liang Feimo's dark eyes were filled with joy visible to the naked eye.

However, Rao Shixin who was outside the door was obviously annoyed.

On the side, Yang Hui had a smirk on his face, "It seems that you and Mr. Liang were very busy last night? No wonder I'm here to urge you."

(End of this chapter)

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