The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1764 As if trying to catch something

Chapter 1764 As if trying to catch something

Rao Shixin's mind flashed through the intense scenes of last night, his eyes flickered unnaturally, and even the roots of his ears turned red unconsciously.

"Cough, Sister Yang, what are you talking about? He just sent me back last night, and then it was too late to spend the night with me. It was just last night. It didn't happen before, and of course, it won't happen in the future." .”

Yang Hui clicked his tongue twice, "Okay, don't explain, I don't know you yet, if you really don't want them to stay overnight, can they really stay?"

Hearing this, Rao Shixin was completely silent, but scolded Liang Feimo in his heart.

"Look, I told you right, as your manager, I know you and me well." Yang Hui snorted triumphantly.

Three black lines appeared on Rao Shixin's head, "Don't you have to rush to the airport? Hurry up, you are the one who delays time now." After complaining, she pulled the suitcase and quickened her pace. It seemed that she was in a hurry, but in fact she was In order not to let Yang Hui continue to tease her.

Of course, Yang Hui couldn't see her thoughts.However, it's really not the time to chat right now, and she has to rush to the airport before five o'clock, so she has to hurry up to keep up.

The two took the elevator all the way down, and soon came to the parking lot of the community.

In front of the car, Xiao Zhang was already waiting, including the driver.

As soon as Rao Shixin appeared, Xiao Zhang immediately ran forward and reached out to help get the suitcase, and then handed the energy water in his backpack to Rao Shixin.

Next, after the door was opened, a group of people got into the car immediately, and the driver didn't dare to waste any time, and started the car immediately.

As the car drove out of the community, in front of the window of an apartment, a man was wearing a bathrobe, and a pair of dark eyes were falling outside the gate.

The bright lights in the bedroom shone on the man, and the man's handsome face was suffused with profoundness, and the palms resting on the window sill slowly closed, as if trying to grab something.

It wasn't until the car gradually disappeared that he couldn't see it that the man put down the curtains.

In the car, Rao Shixin leaned against the seat, put on headphones, listened to music and read entertainment news.It's okay not to swipe, but once swipe, her jaw almost dropped from shock.

"I'm going, Lou Shuyu, the white lotus, finally overturned again." Excited, she took off her earphones, and pushed Yang Hui, who was swiping her phone, "Sister Yang, do you know?"

Yang Hui rolled his eyes, "Are you asking nonsense? Of course I know. I, who is known as the number one gold medal agent in the entertainment industry, is related to big news in this industry. How could I not know?"

"Wait, when did you claim to be the number one gold agent?" Rao Shixin raised his eyebrows in doubt.

Suddenly, Xiao Zhang replied, "Sister Yang gave herself the title."

"Pfft." Rao Shixin smiled unkindly.

Xiao Zhang also laughed.

Yang Hui turned black, "What do you two mean? Are you kidding me?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, Sister Yang." Xiao Zhang quickly apologized, "I promise it was just a slip of the tongue."

Rao Shixin patted Yang Hui on the shoulder, "Don't mind, Xiao Zhang is so sincere, he likes to tell the truth, at least this proves that Xiao Zhang is sincere to you and me."

"Get rolling." Yang Hui slapped Rao Shixin's hand away.

"Tsk, don't be like this." Rao Shixin touched Yang Hui's arm with his shoulder and said, "The number one gold medal agent, I knew it would be yours sooner or later, so it's not bad to be crowned with this title now. Just get used to it.”

(End of this chapter)

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