The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1765 Finally, there is one more hope

Chapter 1765 Finally, there is a touch of hope

Yang Hui raised his hand and brushed his hair, "It's not too bad, we are in the same boat in the circle, as long as I'm good, you two are also good."

"Oh?" Rao Shixin rubbed his chin, and said, "Is it not just me, but you two?"

Yang Hui: "It's all the same, okay?"

"Don't worry, Sister Yang, it doesn't matter if it's for you or me, anyway, in this circle, we are bound together, and we can't live without each other, so it doesn't matter who is good."

"Finally said something human."

Rao Shixin: "."

What she said just now is not human?
Xiaozhang was silent and humble and didn't speak again.As a celebrity assistant, for her, no matter who is good, she can follow her, so for her, it doesn't matter who is good.

Rao Shixin didn't want to continue talking about this topic anymore, so he just raised his phone and said to Yang Hui: "Let's not talk about that, let's talk about Lou Shuyu, I really didn't expect that this woman Lou Shuyu would be so coquettish , Look at the video in the Weibo news, I really admire it, what the hell, neither Liang Feimo nor I dared to play with such a big one, I"

Speaking of this, she suddenly realized something, and immediately shut up.

Yang Hui smiled meanly, "Did you slip the tongue? It seems that you and Mr. Liang usually have a lot of fun?"

"Bah, bah, he and I don't have one." Rao Shixin sat up straight, his eyes flickered, "We don't have that bad taste, okay?"

"Really? Then please tell me, what is this on your neck? Was it bitten by a dog?"

Confused, Rao Shixin quickly turned on the phone mirror and took a closer look at his neck, only to be surprised to find that there was a big tooth mark clearly printed on it.

Really embarrassing!

She was too hasty to go out just now, and she didn't even check it carefully, so it's really hard to explain it now.

"Then what, actually. What about this." She tried to find an excuse.

However, at this moment, Yang Hui patted her on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Okay, don't explain, be careful in the future, thanks to being seen by me, if those paparazzi caught you, then you can I can't explain it."

Rao Shixin felt his blood surge.After this time, she swore that she would never let Liang Feimo stay overnight in her apartment again.

asshole!Is it a dog?Like to chew so much?
Inside the car, there was finally a rare silence.


Top floor rest room.

Li Xiangyun collapsed on the ground, her whole body was already numb.

After about 7 hours, she was unable to move, and her face was cut ten times. She was so painful that she even found it difficult to breathe.

Those wounds have already started to freeze, but the face looks ugly and covered with traces of blood, which looks creepy.

Lou Shuyu was not much better.Her hands and feet were tied, and she couldn't exert any strength at all, and she couldn't help herself.

Just looking at the sky outside the window from deep to gradually dim.

At that moment, there was finally a glimmer of hope in the eyes of the two of them.

Lou Shuyu looked at Li Xiangyun lying on the ground, said with a hoarse voice, "Grandma, look, it's almost dawn, and there will be waiters here to clean up, and we can be saved. Let's hold on for a while." support."

Hearing this, Li Xiangyun's slack eyes swept out of the window, and finally managed to see some light.

Because she couldn't speak, she could only express with her eyes.

I saw that her eyes were stained with excitement, and she had accumulated too many emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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