The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1766 All request to block Lou Shuyu

Chapter 1766 All request to block Lou Shuyu

Lou Shuyu thought for a while, and then said comfortingly: "Grandma, I know you are suffering now, but we can only wait here for the dawn. In fact, looking at the wounds on your face, I feel very guilty. If it is not Lou Jianian asked me to attack you, otherwise."

Speaking of which, she bowed her head, showing apologetic expression.

After a while, she sniffed and took a deep breath, then raised her eyes, looked at the person in front of her, and continued, "I'm sorry, Grandma, Lou Jianian asked me to make a choice. The reason why I only choose you is because Because I know that Lou Jianian originally wanted to watch you get hurt, after all, Lou Jianian has no good intentions at all, she wanted to see our grandparent and grandson hurt each other from the very beginning."

Li Xiangyun's eyes were scarlet and angry.

Under Lou Shuyu's rhetoric, she hated Lou Jia even more.

Of course, even without these explanations from Lou Shuyu, she still only blamed Lou Jianian.For her, Lou Jianian was the culprit.

Lou Shuyu didn't speak anymore, after all, she had seen trust in Li Xiangyun's eyes.

No matter when and where, Li Xiangyun always chooses to believe in her. This was the case before, not to mention now.Without Lou Tianyou, for Li Xiangyun, the only person who can cherish and pamper her is her granddaughter.

As for Lou Jianian, for Li Xiangyun, he will only be an enemy for the rest of his life.

Perhaps, in Li Xiangyun's concepts and thoughts, Lou Jianian has long been identified as the broom star of the Lou family.After Lou Yaozu married Chen Lang and entered the house, Lou's family began to undergo a crisis of change, and Chen Lang happened to give birth to Lou Jianian at that juncture, so in Li Xiangyun's eyes, Chen Lang's mother and daughter People are here to harm Lou's family.

Chen Lang had already died in that car accident, so Li Xiangyun could only pour all his hatred on Lou Jianian.Speaking of it, it's no wonder Li Xiangyun hated Lou Jianian so much. From Chen Lan's pregnancy to Lou Jianian's birth, during this period, Lou's family members were imprisoned, sick, and finally died, so Li Xiangyun That's why he hated Lou Jianian.

Although all of this was arranged by Lou Guangzong, whoever made Lou Jianian be born at that time can only say that he deserved it.

Many thoughts flashed through Lou Shuyu's mind.In her opinion, now she is the only one left in the Lou family, and in the end, everything will be hers, because Li Xiangyun will do her best to take her back from Lou's, and she doesn't need to expend any effort at all.

However, there is only one thing she is not willing to reconcile, that is, her marriage failed, but Lou Jianian successfully married into the Rao family and became the envied young wife of the Rao family. Although outsiders have no way of knowing, But if one day Lou Jianian's identity is made public, then she will be even less comparable.

If today's plan hadn't failed, she would have been able to see Lou Jianian collapsed now, but it's a pity that she didn't make perfect preparations.

After today, she vowed to make a new plan, at least she would kick Lou Jianian out of Rao's house.

Her calculation was very good, but she had no idea what she would face after dawn.

Now, the videos posted by Mr. Weibo are being reposted frantically on the Internet.

Netizens all demanded that Lou Shuyu be blocked.

Pity the director of "Zhaoyang Tianxia" Shen Qinghuan.In the middle of the night, there was a sudden storm about Lou Shuyu's videos on the Internet. As the director of the film crew, he couldn't sleep. He convened the team throughout the night and discussed countermeasures with the producer and tutors.

(End of this chapter)

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