Chapter 1769 What a scourge!
The cold water stimulated her, making her feel a lot better in an instant.

That bastard Liang Feimo, what a scourge!
She didn't do this before on business trips, but now she was influenced by him.

It's a bit suffocating to think about it!
"What's wrong?" Yang Hui's voice came from the seat across the distance, "Can't sleep?"

Rao Shixin raised his eyebrows, "I don't feel sleepy, forget it, I'll choose the script first, by the way, which one did you recommend to me last time?"

Because the progress of the show "Zhaoyang Tianxia" is almost done, many directors have offered her invitations in advance.

The directors of six or seven dramas kindly invited her to participate in TV dramas, but now she didn't know which one to choose.

Yang Hui has always been up to her to decide. Of course, when the time is right, Yang Hui will also recommend to her which drama is worth considering.

No, Yang Hui has already read six or seven scripts in advance, and he knows them well.

I can only hear Yang Hui saying: "Twilight Lingdong, I think it's very well written. It's a Republic of China drama. The heroine Qin Yichen in it is a teacher with progressive thinking and a particularly patriotic heart. Later, in order to save the country, She can only run to become a singer, just to be an undercover agent"

In the back, there are a lot of descriptions of this drama.

Rao Shixin listened, and suddenly became interested, "It feels quite challenging, the Republic of China drama, let me watch it first."

"There are seven books in total. I think it's okay to decline the costume drama. After all, when "Zhaoyang Tianxia" is broadcast, you have to change to a challenging one. You can't let the audience only remember your appearance in the costume drama."

"Well, that's right."

"Okay, you can think about it first, I'll sleep a bit, and remember to call me when I get there."


Just like that, Rao Shixin started to flip through the script.

As the plane flew in the air, the morning light completely pierced through the clouds, casting the first ray of morning light on the entire city of Los Angeles.

Tin Garden.

East master bedroom.

Lou Jianian's eyelashes moved slightly, and his eyes opened.

I feel sore all over, very tired.

She glanced outside the window lattice, then touched her phone, only to find that it was almost six o'clock in the morning.

After a whole night of tossing, she felt that she didn't get enough sleep and still wanted to sleep.

Thinking of the intensity of last night, she glanced at the man who was sleeping deeply beside her.

Looking at it from this angle, I saw the handsome and gentle sleeping face of the man, so good that she couldn't take her eyes off him.

She admired it silently for a while, then picked up the phone again and turned on the screen.

After last night's fermentation, I'm afraid Lou Shuyu has become a street rat that everyone shouts and beats on the Internet.

So, she checked the Internet, only to find out that netizens have begun to strongly resist Lou Shuyu, and even the official Weibo of the crew of "Zhaoyang Tianxia" specially posted a statement that they will use face technology to replace Lou Shuyu, and also It is necessary to investigate the influence of Lou Shuyu on this drama.

Forget it, and more importantly, all the netizens demanded that Lou Shuyu be blocked. In addition, many netizens dug up the fact that Lou Shuyu bought Bei Xiao's music creation inspiration before.

Unexpectedly, Lou Shuyu had finished playing so quickly.

This has just moved to the entertainment industry, but in the end, he has already been asked to block him.

Of course, because of Lou Shuyu's videos, I'm afraid that the Radio and Television Bureau will issue a statement to block Lou Shuyu soon.

Today's bad artists, once they are banned, they will be unable to stand up for the rest of their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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