The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1770 The handsome face of the man is a bit cold

Chapter 1770 The handsome face of the man is a bit cold
Lou Shuyu wanted to rely on acting to restore her reputation, but unfortunately she made a mistake in her wishful thinking.

Even without those videos, she would never let Lou Shuyu get mixed up in the show business circle.After all, she had already made plans before, to let Bei Xiao's light cover Lou Shuyu.

During this time, she had ordered Yang Zhaolin to start preparing for Bei Xiao's concert.

Now, Lou Shuyu just happened to have this incident. On the cusp of the storm, Bei Xiao held a concert, which would attract more attention and support from netizens.

Thinking of this, she opened WeChat and sent a message to Yang Zhaolin.

The content of the message was nothing more than instructing Yang Zhaolin to implement the concert as soon as possible this week.

After posting, she went to Lou Shuyu's Weibo to check, and if she clicked on any Weibo, she could see the insults from netizens below.

[Hurry up and get out of the circle, it's disgusting! 】

[Don't worry, I believe that I will see the news of your ban soon, I will come up every day to take a look, and I will celebrate when you are banned! 】

[Tut tsk tsk, although, I think your figure is still good, tell me, which plastic surgery parlor did you do it in?So realistic? 】

[Come on!say!Think you can just hide?We netizens are not vegetarians, you, a person with corrupt morals, is too embarrassed to act, I feel so sick! 】

【Seeing that everyone is scolding you, I can finally feel fair for Xiaoxiao!Disgusting woman, get out of the entertainment circle! 】

After reading every comment, you can feel the strong resistance and disgust of netizens towards Lou Shuyu.

Lou Jianian raised her eyebrows slightly, and felt particularly comfortable in her heart.

Just last night, the woman Lou Shuyu wanted to attack her man.

As long as she thought of this, she couldn't calm down.

No matter what you think about, you can't touch her man!

Next, she will completely destroy Lou Shuyu's reputation!

Thinking of this, there was a gleam in her eyes, but suddenly, the mobile phone in her hand was taken away.

She was taken aback, looked up slightly, only to realize that the man who was sleeping deeply with his eyes closed just now had opened them at some point, and took her mobile phone away.

Then, she saw the man glanced at her phone, then put the phone aside with a frown, and then stretched out his arms to take her into his arms, stroking the top of her hair with his jaw, and asked, "Why not?" sleep?"

She replied: "I woke up just now, and suddenly remembered that the videos of Lou Shuyu had been leaked last night. I was curious about what the Internet looked like after a night, so I took a look."

The man just woke up, his voice was a bit lazy and magnetic, and it was extremely pleasant, "Are you satisfied with the fermentation results of the Internet?"

"It's good." She stretched out her arms to hug the man back, rubbed her face against the man's hard chest, and continued: "Now the Internet is really developed. In just one night, Lou Shuyu's video has been reposted tens of millions. This time, I think, this time Lou Shuyu really doesn't need to hang around in this circle."

When Lou Shuyu was mentioned, the man's handsome face turned cold, "This is the best, so that I can save seeing her face when I watch TV in the future."

Hearing this, she suddenly wanted to laugh, "Don't worry, I won't see it in the future. By the way, I brought her mobile phone. Today I have to study her mobile phone. She must be I have done a lot of bad things, if there is any evidence of crime, I will hand it over to the police station, and I will treat it as helping the society to clean up the cancer."

(End of this chapter)

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