Chapter 1776 Became a Secret

The doctor has already checked Li Xiangyun in all aspects, including the wound on Li Xiangyun's face. Fortunately, the incision was not deep, and it is still possible for her face to recover, but it will take some time.

Lou Shuyu looked at the comatose Li Xiangyun, and thought of the failure of last night's plan in her mind, she couldn't help feeling agitated, and the worst thing was that Lou Jianian took her mobile phone away.

I don't know what Lou Jianian can find out from it, after all, there are indeed those videos of her and Zhang Yichi in it.

Thinking of those videos, her eyes became darker.

She still remembered that when she was in the hotel for the last time, because she couldn't stand Zhang Yichi's threat, she missed and got rid of Zhang Yichi in a moment of desperation. It has been two months now.

No one has discovered this matter until now, and she hopes to keep it a secret forever.

But in fact, during the two days after Zhang Yichi was dealt with, she also had some worries in her heart, always afraid that the police would come to her door, but what surprised her was that Shengji did not even announce Zhang Yichi's disappearance. No statement was made, nor was there any news report.

Although it was very strange, she felt that she had escaped, as if Zhang Yichi's disappearance had become a secret.

It was precisely because Zhang Yichi's disappearance had not been reported by the entertainment media that she deleted Zhang Yichi from WeChat, including those videos where Zhang Yichi took pictures of her.

However, Lou Jianian took her mobile phone to research last night. After so many hours, Lou Jianian probably couldn't find anything, after all, she deleted everything.

When she was thinking wildly in her mind, there happened to be the sound of footsteps coming from outside the door, followed by her looking up, only to realize that it was Mrs. Li who had come.

I saw Mrs. Li holding a bag of things in her hand, and when she stepped into the ward, she said: "Miss, I brought some daily necessities for you and the old lady. Stay in the hospital for a few days."

Hearing what Mrs. Li said, she nodded, "Well, put your things away, Mrs. Li, thanks to you this time."

Mrs. Li licked her lips, "Miss, I"

As if aware of what Mrs. Li wanted to say, Lou Shuyu raised his eyebrows, "What's wrong?"

"This..." Mrs. Li said awkwardly, "Miss, haven't you checked the Internet?"

"Internet?" Lou Shuyu was puzzled, then reached out to Aunt Li and said, "Lend me your phone."

Aunt Li hesitated for a moment, but finally handed the phone to Lou Shuyu.

Then, Lou Shuyu used Aunt Li's mobile phone to surf the Internet, and a piece of news happened to be pushed over—【Surprised!An artist surnamed Lou was exposed to a large-scale video, click for details.]

Seeing this conspicuous font, her thin eyebrows twitched twice, and she suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness in her heart. The next second, she poked the news link.

As she clicked in, a clear picture soon appeared on the screen of the mobile phone. In the bathroom, the girl was naked, screaming in pain
Seeing this familiar environment and the scene that made her wake up from nightmares every night, her face turned pale, her body trembled, and then she hugged her head and screamed.

The phone was dropped on the ground, but the voices in those videos were still ringing.

Mrs. Li was frightened, "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

Outside the ward, nurses and doctors rushed in and asked, "What's the matter?"

Aunt Li panicked, "I don't know either."

(End of this chapter)

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