Chapter 1777 No signs of waking up
Lou Shuyu was still holding his head and screaming, as if he was going crazy, "Why? How could it be? I deleted it obviously! Ah! How could it be!!!"

Outside the door, some people came.There were only policemen in police uniforms.When they saw the situation in the ward, they asked, "Is Lou Shuyu here?"

The doctors and nurses, including Mrs. Li, were stunned when they saw the police coming.In the next second, the eyes of several people turned to Lou Shuyu who was screaming and going crazy.

Following the gazes of several people, the policemen immediately understood.

Soon, one of them stepped forward and patted Lou Shuyu, "Are you Lou Shuyu?"

Lou Shuyu was horrified when he saw the policeman in police uniform in front of him, and panicked, "What are you doing here? I didn't do anything bad! Those videos are fake! Go away!"

As she spoke, she went crazy and started throwing things around.

The police were sure that the person in front of them was Lou Shuyu, so they suppressed him without saying a word, then handcuffed him and took him away.

From the ward to the outside of the hospital gate, Lou Shuyu was struggling madly during the whole process.

It wasn't until the police pushed her into the police car and closed the door that everything became quiet.

As the car drove away, outside the entrance of the hospital, a man in a worn white shirt and black wrinkled trousers stared at the passing car.

The man's face looked haggard, with a scumbag on his chin, and heavy dark circles under his eyes. He looked completely devoid of energy.And this person is Lin Cheng, the former president of the Lin Group.

Since the company declared bankruptcy and Ge Aiqin became a vegetable, Lin Cheng was busy working in the hospital every day.

Early in the morning, he had just finished wiping Ge Aiqin's face, and then went out to buy some tissues and supplies, but when he was about to go back to the hospital, he suddenly found a policeman holding a girl out of the hospital.

And the girl was struggling and screaming crazily all the way. Seeing this, his feet suddenly seemed to have taken root, and he stopped in place, motionless.

The girl's familiar face, even though the cheeks seemed to be wrapped because of injuries, but after all, she was someone who had been together before, so in just a second, he recognized the girl Shi Lou Shuyu.

He already knew about the videos of Lou Shuyu that were leaked on the Internet.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that Lou Shuyu was so promiscuous, which really surprised him.

Seeing that the car was far away from his sight, he finally lowered his eyes slightly, and suddenly let out a very low sigh, and then walked into the hospital.

Take the elevator along the lobby to the 9th floor directly.

Soon, the elevator dinged and parted, and he stepped out of the car and walked to ward 903.

In the ward, the afternoon sun shone in front of the bed, casting a ray of hope on the entire room.

Ge Aiqin, who was lying on the bed, was still in a deep sleep.

This situation has been going on for a long time.

Ever since she was thrown down at home, Ge Aiqin has been rescued and has become a vegetative state. Apart from breathing, she can prove to be alive. At other times, Ge Aiqin is like a person without any signs of life.

The doctor came to round the ward every day, and checked Ge Aiqin's various indicators and conditions. Everything was normal, but there was no sign of waking up.

Of course, Lin Cheng always asked the doctor about when the patient would wake up, but the doctor always gave the answer: this cannot be estimated, it may be a week, a month, half a year, two years, ten years, or forever.

(End of this chapter)

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