Chapter 1779

Lin Cheng held her hand, with tears in his eyes, "Mom, I'm sorry, it was my son who hurt you. If I hadn't done those things in the office, otherwise you wouldn't have fallen downstairs in a fit of anger. After that day , the son has reflected on it, and he will be a good man in the future.”

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Ge Aiqin suddenly got a little excited, "No! No, no."

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Don't get excited." Lin Cheng was a little worried, and quickly comforted her, "Okay, let's not talk for now, by the way, I'll call the doctor to come and have a look." He was about to get up.

However, at this moment, Ge Aiqin said eagerly, "No, it's Lou. Lou Shuyu."

Just as Lin Cheng was about to leave, he suddenly stopped, turned around, looked at her, and asked, "Mom, what do you want to say?"

There is no reason to suddenly mention Lou Shuyu at such a time. For some reason, he suddenly felt that his mother had something important to say.

Just as he was thinking this way, he heard the person on the hospital bed say, "It's Lou Lou Shuyu, push... push me!"

Lin Cheng paused, "Mom, you mean, she pushed you down?"

Hearing this, Ge Aiqin burst into tears, "Yes, it's her."

Lin Cheng, who didn't know the truth until this moment, clenched his palms tightly and his emotions fluctuated.

It turned out that it was her!
the other side.

police station.

After Lou Shuyu was sedated, the whole person finally calmed down.

But, she didn't say a word.

Two days ago, someone reported to the police that a black cloth bag was found by the stream, and after opening it was a male corpse.

Soon, the police went to the scene and began to block the surrounding area and intervene in the investigation. Judging from the location of the accident and various circumstances, it should be a homicide.

Moreover, judging from the identity of the male corpse, this person is Zhang Yichi, the executive director of Shengji Entertainment Brokerage Company.

Next, the police found the company and residence where Zhang Yichi worked before his death. Basically, the company remained unaware of Zhang Yichi's disappearance.

However, in the residence, the police made a new discovery, that is, there are many videos hidden in Zhang Yichi's personal notebook, the scale is ridiculously large, and there are many tricks, and most of the girls in the videos are entertainers in the entertainment circle and many more.

In this video, the police found Lou Shuyu and brought them over, including other artists, of course.

However, after interrogation, other entertainers have evidence that excludes crimes.

In the end, the police suspected that Zhang Yichi's suicide was closely related to Lou Shuyu.

Helpless, Lou Shuyu didn't say a word, didn't say anything.

At the gate of the police station, a man wearing a white worn shirt and wrinkled trousers suddenly came.

Lin Cheng walked up to the police with firm eyes and said, "Hi, I want to call the police. Someone is trying to murder my mother. That person's name is Lou Shuyu."

the other side.


After Li Xiangyun woke up, she was still a little dazed, as if she was out of her mind.

She couldn't tell what time period it was, and she muttered, "Yaozu, listen to mom, don't marry that actress, she will harm our Lou family, and that broom star, their mother and daughter are here to harm our"

Beside, Mrs. Li, who was watching, heard the person on the bed talking, and found that the person had woken up, but she didn't seem to be fully awake.

Seeing Li Xiangyun talking to herself, she hurried out to find a doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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