The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1780 I don't know, this is the feeling of heartbeat

Chapter 1780 I don't know, this is the feeling of heartbeat

Soon, the doctor came in and examined Li Xiangyun immediately.

After some examinations, the doctors believed that the patient was talking nonsense because of too much pressure in a short period of time, and he still needs to pay attention to rest.

Aunt Li looked at Li Xiangyun who was still talking nonsense on the hospital bed, and Lou Shuyu who was taken away by the police just now flashed through her mind.

For some reason, she had a feeling in her heart at this moment, as if the Lou family was really going to be over.

Fortunately, she still has some savings in Lou's house all these years, if something goes wrong, she can only run away first.

Although Lou Shuyu was taken away by the police, she didn't know why, but her premonition made her think that it might be difficult for Lou Shuyu to come out this time.

After thinking about it, she decided to take some valuable things from the Lou family first, and pack up and leave.

The day passed quickly.

At sunset.

When Lou Jianian finished her last work in the company, she just received a WeChat message from a certain man.

She opened it up.

Rao Shichen: Come down.

Seeing the news, she raised her eyebrows, and a smile appeared on the corner of her lips. She knew without guessing that the man was waiting for her downstairs.

So, she immediately signed the last document and put it aside, then got up, took her bag and left.

When she left the office, she glanced around and found Sang Ye who was still working hard.

Seeing this, she planned to step forward and ask Sang Ye to get off work first, and save something for tomorrow.

However, just when she was about to take a step, the elevator in the corridor suddenly dinged and parted. She glanced subconsciously, but found that the person who came was Jing Chen.

Seeing Jing Chen coming at this time, she rolled her eyes, thinking that if a certain man who was still waiting for her downstairs knew that Jing Chen had come to the company to look for her again, she wondered if he would overturn the vinegar bucket again.

Thinking about it this way, she decided to make it clear to Jing Chen first that no matter what came to her, she had to wait until tomorrow, because now she was in a hurry to leave.

However, before she could speak, she saw Jing Chen walking up to her, raised his hand to say hello, and then walked past her to the secretary's office not far away.

Seeing this scene, she was stunned.

? ? ? ?
Didn't come to find her?

Indeed, Jing Chen didn't come to find her at all, but to find another person.

With one hand in his pocket, his eyes fell on the cold girl behind the transparent glass who was buried in her work.

There is no one else in the secretary's room, only the girl is left.

The light of the setting sun shone on the desk, casting a layer of golden light on the girl. Her black hair looked like satin, and the professional suit she was wearing perfectly set off the girl's sophistication.

Jing Chen looked at it, and at the moment when he gradually approached, there was some strange beating in his heart.

He always thought that he had never talked about feelings before, so he didn't know that this was the feeling of heartbeat.

With Lou Jianian behind him, seeing Jing Chen walking towards the secretary's room, he finally understood.

It turned out that Jing Chen came to look for Sang Ye.

When she realized this, she suddenly felt curious.She was still in a hurry to leave, so she decided to gossip before leaving.

When Jing Chen walked into the secretary's room, he stood by the door frame, deliberately posed in a pose that he thought was handsome, and then pretended to cough.

Sang Ye, who was arranging the materials at the desk, raised her eyes, and after just one glance, she continued to work coldly.

Jing Chen: "."

How about some reaction?

Is the young master not handsome enough?
(End of this chapter)

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