The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1783 1 has never been a secret

Chapter 1783 It Has Been No Secret
Looking at the few beautiful photos just taken in the phone, Rao Shixin couldn't help expressing emotion, "It's so beautiful."

Yang Hui was playing with his mobile phone next to him, and couldn't help but blow, "Although this is the case, you should at least be humble."

"Hmph, I'm beautiful, why should I be humble?" Rao Shixin's eyes were full of arrogance.

Yang Hui couldn't bear to watch it any longer, and just continued playing with her mobile phone.

The car was still many kilometers away from the palace. After Rao Shixin finished admiring the photos, he couldn't help but send someone's WeChat.And that person is exactly Lou Jianian.

At this time, Lou Jianian was being entangled by a certain man, and he couldn't leave him at all.

Therefore, when the photo was sent, Rao Shixin did not get any response from the other party.Of course, Rao Shixin also suspected that at this time in China, the little sister-in-law might not be free at all.

I have to say that my brother is too inhuman.

Thinking of her brother, a man with facial paralysis suddenly flashed through her mind.

I don't know what the bastard Liang Feimo is doing now?
It has been 24 hours since we separated, and the bastard Liang Feimo has never sent her a video call, and even said that he missed her and lied to her.

However, she didn't know at all that the bastard man she was cursing in her mind had actually come to the country where she was by plane.


Liang Feimo was wearing a long black trench coat with a black shirt inside, looking extremely cold.

Walking out of the airport, there are already cars waiting outside.

Soon, he came to the front of the car, opened the door and entered the car, glanced at the part-time bodyguard driver in the front seat, and asked, "Have you found out where her hotel is?"

"Back to Mr. Liang, the hotel Miss Rao stayed at is Venus Hotel, the presidential suite on the top floor."

"where to."


Soon, the car started.


It was already two or three o'clock in the morning.

Lou Jianian slept deeply, her fair face was blushing.

Next to him, Rao Shichen looked satisfied.The moonlight came in from outside the window, and the corners of his eyes were crimson, and his handsome face was a bit lazy.

He glanced at the girl beside him who was tired and asleep after the affair, and his eyes were filled with pleasure.

The next second, he raised his hand, and slowly stroked the girl's soft face with his fingertips, and then moved his thin lips forward, and pressed a kiss on the girl's forehead.

The girl's eyelashes moved slightly, followed by a groan, and then fell asleep again.

Seeing that the girl was sleeping soundly, the man couldn't bear to disturb her anymore, so he glanced around and saw a mobile phone on the bedside table.

The man thought for a while, then reached out his hand over the girl's body, and took the mobile phone over.Holding the phone, he rubbed the screen with his fingertips, and then input the password very familiarly to unlock the phone.

This phone was read by Lou Jia, and the password has never been a secret to men.

After unlocking the screen of the phone, the man planned to take a look at WeChat, but found that someone just sent a message.

Rao Shixin: Sister-in-law, am I beautiful? 【photo】

Seeing this, the man raised his eyebrows slightly, returned directly to the WeChat interface, and then quickly locked his eyes on an address book named Jingchen.

Soon, he clicked in and looked at the chat records.

The last chat was last week.

Seeing this, the man's eyebrows became more satisfied, and he put the phone back in place.

However, when the man closed his eyes, he didn't feel sleepy at all.So in the next second, he took his mobile phone, clicked on the screen, found Liang Feimo in WeChat, and then typed and sent a message.

Rao Shichen: Your ability to act makes me suspicious. Although the one-month deadline has expired, Shi Xin doesn't seem to be attracted to you.

(End of this chapter)

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