The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1784 Her appearance will represent Huaxia

Chapter 1784 Her appearance will represent Huaxia

Liang Feimo, who was in Country M, saw the WeChat message, and pursed his thin lips for a moment.

It took him a while before he typed.

Liang Feimo: Sooner or later, she will be moved.

Rao Shichen, who received the news in China, raised his brows slightly, his eyes filled with deep thought.Then, he typed a reply.

Rao Shichen: How can you see it?If you don't have that ability, then I don't mind asking her personally.

Liang Feimo in the car saw this reply, and his face instantly became colder.

In the front seat, the bodyguard and driver who was driving froze inexplicably when he noticed the coldness coming from the back of the car.

Liang Feimo stroked the edge of the phone with his fingers, pinched off the screen, and turned it on again after a while. After repeated several times, he finally typed on the phone.

It had been about 5 minutes, and the other party hadn't replied yet. Rao Shichen was thinking: Is this a retreat?
However, just as he was typing a line on the nine-space key of the mobile phone——Grandpa is urging Shi Xin to get married recently, but Shi Xin has remained silent. I think maybe we should arrange a blind date for her.

After typing, before sending it out, the other party sent a message.

Liang Feimo: No matter whether she is attracted to me or not, she has not refused to be with me now.

Seeing this news, Rao Shichen's hazel eyes became more radiant.Then, he deleted the typed line and edited it again.

Rao Shichen: Shi Xin loves freedom, I think it's better to come and try it out.

Liang Feimo: Probing?

When the news reached this point, Rao Shichen didn't reply, but his eyes were brightened.

It was very late at night, and I don't know if it was the sound of him typing on the mobile phone that disturbed the sleeping girl beside him.

The girl's eyelashes moved slightly, she opened her eyes, looked at him sleepily, and asked, "Why aren't you asleep?"

He put down his cell phone and embraced the girl beside him with his palm, "Go to sleep now."

After his words fell, the girl closed her eyes and continued to fall into a deep sleep.

The light from the window casts on the interior floor.

Rao Shichen hugged the girl, but he had already planned some arrangements in his mind.

On the other side, Liang Feimo, who was in the car, kept staring at the phone, but when he found that the other party didn't reply, his eyebrows became more cold.

He gripped the phone a little tighter, and his expression was imperceptibly deep.

Outside the car window, an extended version of the car passed by.

When Rao Shixin was playing with her mobile phone in the car, she never thought that when she passed a certain car just now, the man sitting in it was the man she had flirted with the night before.

Of course, right now, she doesn't have any thoughts about what a certain man is doing at this time. After all, in China, it should be around three or four o'clock in the morning. The only possibility for a man is that he is falling asleep.

Now, she is more concerned about the red carpet show she will be waiting for.

How to put it, today's red carpet show also gathered many domestic and foreign celebrities. Her appearance will represent China, so she can't relax at all times. Once she gets off the car and faces the camera, she must show her body For the self-confidence and brilliance that Chinese stars should have, and the charming demeanor.

The car was only a few kilometers away from Lusiang Palace, and Yang Hui began to enter a state of full concentration.

She looked at her watch, and then reminded: "Shi Xin, remember, you must hold your head up and show your aura later."

Rao Shixin nodded, "I know, Sister Yang, don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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