The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1787 Oriental Huaxia, Beauty Like Xin

Chapter 1787 Oriental Huaxia, Beauty Like Xin

The atmosphere at the scene was very high!

This red carpet show suddenly became Rao Shixin's home show.

After today, such a sentence has become popular in foreign countries - Oriental Huaxia, beautiful women are like Xin.

Of course, this is a follow-up.

However, after today's red carpet show, Rao Shixin's name was well-known throughout the foreign media, and once became the favorite Chinese female star of foreigners.

After walking the red carpet show, I have to be interviewed.

During the whole process, Rao Shixin perfectly answered the host's various questions.

Because of her clever response, foreigners gave a very high evaluation and praised her as a wise Chinese.

Since then, the word wisdom has also been associated with China, and it has become the impression foreigners have of Orientals.

Busy and busy, at the end of the day, Rao Shixin's smiling face was about to collapse.

Finally, at the end of the day, she was almost paralyzed.

When the extended luxury car drove away from Lusiang Palace, it was already dark outside.

When Rao Shixin was leaning on the back seat of the car for a while, Yang Hui saw something on the phone next to him, and said excitedly: "Shixin, I know you've been trending on Weibo. It’s definitely safe to play.”

Hearing this, Rao Shixin responded lazily: "Really? I don't know who always told me not to be nervous when I walked the red carpet show in the morning?"

Yang Hui choked.To be honest, she did not expect that Rao Shixin would be able to deal with such a high-profile red carpet show so calmly. If she remembers correctly, this is the first time that Rao Shixin has been in the entertainment industry for so many years. She came to Lu Siang's red carpet show as a Chinese female star.

"Cough at the meeting in the morning, didn't I care about it and mess it up." Yang Hui licked his lips and asked curiously: "However, where did you get that courage? This is Lu Siang's red carpet show!"

Rao Shixin rolled his eyelids, "Can I say, have I even participated in the royal red carpet show?"

"?" Yang Hui was stunned for a moment, then pouted, "You think I'll believe you?"

"I know." Rao Shixin knew that Yang Hui might not believe it.

Yang Hui clicked his tongue twice, "However, your performance on the red carpet today, as your manager, I really want to give you a thumbs up, it's not perfect!"

"I'll play, for sure." Rao Shixin lazily and proudly gave such a response.

Yang Hui smiled, and continued to hold the phone, brushing up all the high evaluations of Rao Shixin's red carpet show by the entertainment media today!

On Weibo, almost all the hot searches were taken by Rao Shixin.

Netizens are also crazy.

In the morning, the red carpet show at the Lusiang Palace in the capital of country M, after so many hours, has already been spread on the domestic network.

The video of Rao Shixin walking the red carpet was intercepted by many netizens and reposted one after another.

For a moment, the entire network was covered with Rao Shixin's name.

In this red carpet show, Dongfang Huaxia undoubtedly succeeded in attracting the attention of all foreigners because of Rao Shixin.

China, a beautiful and mysterious oriental country, has thousands of years of culture, which also makes foreigners very curious.

In a day, all foreigners are full of strong interest in the country of Huaxia.

Many foreign investors sensed business opportunities and planned to invest in China.

For a time, Huaxia completely became the country that people in the world most yearn for.

(End of this chapter)

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