Chapter 1788 She is a bit sleepy

The car stopped at the entrance of the hotel.

Rao Shixin got off the car with Yang Hui and others, went straight into the hotel, and then took the elevator to the top floor.

As the elevator left, looking around, the entire top floor was clean.This is the best thing about keeping an entire top floor, without being influenced or disturbed by anyone.

Rao Shixin dragged his weary steps towards the presidential suite where he was.

Beside, Xiaozhang also followed until Rao Shixin stopped and told her: "You have been tired all day too, don't worry about me, go and rest."

Hearing this, Xiaozhang was stunned for a moment, and in the end he really went back to his room, but scratched his head and said, "But, Sister Shixin, you've had a hard day today, take a bath or something, I can help you Put in the bath water."

Rao Shixin waved his hand, "No, I can do it myself. In fact, everyone has worked very hard today. Go and rest. By the way, you have been with me for a few years. I will give you a salary increase starting this month."

Hearing that the salary was going to be raised again, Xiao Zhang was so happy that he quickly thanked him.

Yang Hui poked Xiao Zhang's face, and joked: "At this moment, do you feel that it is an honor to follow the big star Rao Shixin?"

Xiao Zhang nodded: "Of course, not only Sister Shi Xin, but also Sister Yang. I feel very lucky to be able to follow the two of you."

"Tsk tsk, Xiaozui is pretty good at talking." Yang Hui was very grateful for Xiaozhang's flattering words.

Rao Shixin yawned, "Hey, let's not talk, let's all go back and rest, I'm still busy tomorrow, I'll go back to my room first."

It wasn't just Rao Shixin who felt sleepy after leaving in the morning until this point, in fact, even Yang Hui and Xiao Zhang felt sleepy as well.

But, after all, he is Rao Shixin's assistant, Xiao Zhang still has to keep up, "Sister Shixin, let me help you put the bath water in."

However, as soon as Xiao Zhang finished speaking, Yang Hui grabbed her and walked to the other room, muttering: "Shi Xin said that she would put the bath water, so don't follow her in. With her temper, sometimes It’s just something you’re used to.”

While talking, Yang Hui opened Xiaozhang's room, pushed the person in, and then closed the door. After finishing, she also went back to her room.

Rao Shixin watched his agent and assistant finally return to their respective rooms, then raised his hand to enter the password, and pushed away his presidential suite.

This is a five-star hotel with everything you need in the luxurious presidential suite.

Rao Shixin walked in, and the sensor light automatically turned on.

The whole suite is bright.

After participating in the red carpet show, she was a little sleepy.Helpless, she couldn't lie down and sleep immediately, after all, she was still wearing that cheongsam, and the makeup on her face hadn't been removed yet.

So, after taking off her high heels, she walked towards the bathroom, intending to remove her makeup first.

However, she didn't know it at all. When she walked to the bathroom, a man in a black windbreaker with his hands in his pockets came out from the floor-to-ceiling curtain behind her.

The man's face was paralyzed, but when he stared at her figure with a pair of pitch-black eyes, there was a glint in the bottom of his eyes.

Rao Shixin who entered the bathroom began to remove the makeup on his face.

Because this makeup is very delicate, it takes a lot of steps to remove it.

I saw that she took out the makeup remover first, moistened it with a makeup remover cotton, and then applied eyeliner, eyeshadow, etc...

After removing the eye makeup, followed by the lip makeup, and the whole face makeup.

After a series of steps, her skin still looks good after removing the makeup.

(End of this chapter)

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