The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1796 There is a car following

Chapter 1796 There is a car following
Domestically, it is daytime.

President Rao's office.

Behind the desk, Rao Shichen's handsome face looked deep and delicate under the afternoon sun.

At this moment, his cuffs were rolled up, revealing his jade-colored arms, and his eyes were fixed on the document.

Soon, after reading the document, he picked up the golden pen, signed his name, and then closed the document.

Immediately afterwards, he glanced at the time before picking up his cell phone and making a call.

After the call was connected, he immediately said, "How's the tracking going?"

Soon, the other party responded respectfully: "Mr. Rao, don't worry. I have tracked Mr. Liang. He drove to a parking lot and came here to pick up Miss Er."

Rao Shichen knew that the so-called second lady mentioned by the bodyguard was Rao Shixin.I saw him tapping the table with his fingers, his face was deep, his thin lips parted slightly, "Then keep following, remember, act at the right time, I only have one request, don't hurt my sister, understand?"

"Yes, Mr. Rao."

Knowing that the other party had listened, Rao Shichen hung up the phone.

On the wall, the clock showed three o'clock in the afternoon.

The man who has been working at the company since the morning has a trace of fatigue on his brows.

Soon, he leaned back against the seat, closed his eyes and took a rest.

at the same time.

M country.

The black car drove into the underground parking lot.

In the driver's seat, Liang Feimo was controlling the steering wheel with his palm, his handsome face glowing with joy.

Next to him, Rao Shixin leaned comfortably on the car seat, raised his eyebrows and said, "Just take me to the hotel."

Hearing this, Liang Feimo glanced away, "Have you eaten yet?"

"?" Rao Shixin just remembered that he didn't seem to have dinner.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Liang Feimo immediately frowned, "Go eat first, and then I'll take you back to the hotel."

She pouted, but said nothing.

The car drove on like this.

Behind, a car followed quietly.

Wearing a black suit, the man who could be identified as a bodyguard at a glance was staring at the car in front of him.

Because of Rao Shichen's orders, the bodyguards could only play by ear.

Liang Feimo was driving the car, gradually narrowing his eyes.Through the car mirror, he found a car following behind him.

The lights of the highway spilled on him through the car window, giving him a halo.

I saw his deep eyes, and his thin lips slightly pursed.

Next to him, Rao Shixin didn't notice anything unusual.If she hadn't been reminded by the man just now, she wouldn't have remembered that she hadn't eaten dinner yet.

No, when it comes to eating, she actually feels really hungry.

In the past two days since she came to country M, she has been constantly busy, and there is no chance for her to catch her breath.

Maybe because she was too tired, she suddenly wanted to eat hot pot.

So, she licked her lips and suggested, "Liang Feimo, let's find a Chinese restaurant for hot pot?"

Liang Fei raised his eyebrows slightly, "Hot pot?"

"Yes, if you can't take spicy food, we can order a mandarin duck pot."

"it is good."

Since it was proposed by Rao Shixin, Liang Feimo naturally agreed.

The car drove on like this.

A car behind also followed closely.

Rao Shixin took out his mobile phone to check the nearby food, and then found that there was indeed a Chinese restaurant a few kilometers away.

Moreover, according to the food reviews on the Internet, the reputation of this Chinese restaurant is quite good.

Just in time, the car encountered a red light and stopped.

Holding her mobile phone in her hand, she showed the address of the restaurant she found on the Food Network to the man next to her, "Why don't you just go to this one, it's not too far away, and I think the ratings are quite high, and the storefront environment in the pictures is also good." Not bad looking."

(End of this chapter)

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