The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1797 Did he want to confess?

Chapter 1797 Did he want to confess?

The man glanced at the restaurant on the phone screen, then his eyes were full of love, and his thin lips parted slightly, "Well, listen to you."

So, Rao Shixin happily looked at the delicacies in the store.

She had already figured out in her mind what to order when she got to the restaurant.

She was so hungry that she thought she could swallow a whole cow.

Therefore, her first order must be sliced ​​meat later on. Of course, besides eating meat, she also needs to have vegetarian dishes. The combination of meat and vegetables will make it easier for her to gain weight.

The red light continues.

The man glanced at the time, then picked up the phone, clicked on the screen, and found the person he chatted with last time in WeChat.And that person was Rao Shichen.

Just staring at the last message that Rao Shichen sent him, the next second, his eyes slightly raised, and his gaze swept through the car mirror to the car that was following closely behind him.

Soon, his dark eyes became thoughtful.

After a while, the red light changed.

Rao Shixin looked at the man in the driver's seat, and then said: "Are you still driving?"

Hearing this, the man raised his eyebrows, put down his phone, and then started the car.

As the car started, a certain car behind also followed.

In this way, the car drove all the way to the door of the hotel.

This is a Chinese restaurant in a busy area.

The vermilion lacquer gate, with a big red lantern hanging on both sides of the top, is very Chinese ancient style.

Liang Feimo had just stopped the car, and Rao Shixin, who was in the co-pilot, couldn't wait to take off his seat belt and get out of the car.

Finally arrived at the restaurant, she wanted to hurry in and order food.

However, just when she just took off the safety belt, her little hand was suddenly held by a palm. She was taken aback, and followed the man with her eyes, "What are you doing?"

Liang Feimo's eyes were deep, "Don't get out of the car, I have something to tell you."

"?" Rao Shixin was puzzled, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Shi Xin." Liang Feimo rubbed the back of her hand with his palm, and then interlocked her fingers, looked at her deeply, and said, "It seems that there is a saying that I have never talked to you. As I said, we talked about our relationship six years ago. If we hadn’t broken up, I don’t think I would have been able to recognize my heart. During the years we were separated, I didn’t talk about it again. Do you believe it? Of course, if you It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, but I can guarantee that in the few years after you left, I have only you in my heart."

Rao Shixin was stunned for a moment when he heard the man say so much earnestly and affectionately, and then his heartbeat accelerated inexplicably, as if he was a little at a loss.However, her pride does not allow her to have any gaffes.

So, she coughed lightly and interrupted the man, "What the hell are you trying to say? Don't dawdle, I'm starving to death, I don't have time to listen to so much."

To be honest, the man became serious for no reason, which made her not know what to do.

Thinking about it carefully, today is not a special day, why did the man suddenly talk to her about something in his heart?

Could it be that he wanted to confess?

It's impossible, right? !
Liang Feimo stared at her slightly nervous face, and the affection in his eyes became stronger.I saw him lift the other palm, landed on her face, slowly stroked it, and said in a low voice: "I want to say, Rao Shixin, remember, whether it's this life or the next life, I, Liang Feimo, already recognize you."

(End of this chapter)

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