Chapter 1799 Liang Feimo fainted!

Liang Feimo shook his head, "It's okay."

"Really?" At this moment, there was worry on her face.

"I did not lie to you."

Although the man said so, Rao Shixin still found it unbelievable.

You know, how could such a big car crash into nothing?

However, she didn't have much time to talk to the man right now, but she glanced at the car, rushed up and scolded: "Bastard, how do you drive? Go to the hospital to take a good look if you are blind. I don’t know if there is anyone here? Come down for me!”

Liang Feimo was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect the girl to rush to scold him suddenly.The biggest reason for all the girl's actions was because he was hit by a car, and the girl felt distressed.

Inexplicably, something filled the depths of his heart. The next second, he stepped forward, trying to hold the girl's hand, but when he moved, his back was pulled, and he felt a dull pain.

Inside the car, the bodyguards have been well-trained for a long time, so they naturally know how to control the speed of the car.

In fact, as early as the last moment when the car was about to collide, he deliberately controlled the speed of the car.

In other words, he was aiming at the car to hit the man. After all, Mr. Rao had ordered not to hurt the second lady, although he seemed to be rushing towards the second lady.

Fortunately, the man reacted quickly in the end and protected the second lady in time, otherwise he would die without being able to explain to Mr. Rao.

Outside the car window, seeing the girl shouting, the bodyguard had no choice but to open the door and get out of the car.

Fortunately, he was usually just one of the bodyguards under Mr. Rao, and he didn't show his face often, and the second lady would not recognize him at all.

"Sorry, miss." After getting out of the car, he apologized first.

Of course Rao Shixin refused to forgive the other party, he just kept pointing at him and said, "You think an apology is enough? If something happens to my man, can you be responsible? Also, how did you get your driver's license? What? Is it okay to drive out like this? And I’m still from Huaxia, so I have to call the police, you”

Hearing this, the bodyguard bowed ninety degrees, "On behalf of my behavior just now, I would like to apologize to the two of you. I will definitely be responsible for today's medical expenses."

"Do you think it's enough to just be responsible for the medical expenses? Who can't afford the cheap medical expenses? Now you have hurt my man." Rao Shixin was so angry that he died.

Liang Feimo was behind him, just being protected by Rao Shixin. Inexplicably, a little light appeared on his handsome and cold face.

But in the next second, he felt some pain in his back, so he glanced at the man who got out of the car.

The man was wearing a black suit, and his face was somewhat familiar. He seemed to be Rao Shichen's bodyguard.

Maybe it was a complete confirmation of something, Liang Feimo's eyes flashed in deep thought, and then he raised his hand to his forehead, looking weak.

Rao Shixin was still reluctant, until he heard a loud noise behind him.

Almost as soon as she heard the voice, she turned her head and turned pale with fright, "Liang Feimo!"

That's right, Liang Feimo fainted!

The bodyguard looked at the person who fell on the ground, and suddenly fell silent.

If I remember correctly, he controlled his strength just now. Although he hurt someone, it would definitely not be so serious.

Rao Shixin lay down next to the man, feeling bad all over, "Liang Feimo, how are you? Wake up!"

At this moment, the bodyguard responded in time, "Let's send him to the hospital first."

Hearing this, Rao Shixin panicked and then remembered the hospital.

In this way, with the help of the culprit bodyguard driver, Rao Shixin successfully got Liang Feimo into the car and sent him to the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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