The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1800 Why does it feel a bit weird?

Chapter 1800 Why does it feel a bit weird?

The car quickly arrived at the hospital.

Liang Feimo was sent to the emergency room.

Outside the rescue room, Rao Shixin was very anxious, and his whole body fell into a panic.

The bodyguard of the car owner who caused the accident did not leave either, and stayed outside the emergency room.

The night was a little dark, and the bodyguard was very silent.

But in fact, this kind of silence is not just because of guilt and worry, but, the bodyguard was thinking, when he controlled the car and hit it, he clearly knew the strength accurately, so how could Mr. Liang be injured so seriously, and even faint?
The first aid room across a large door.

Several medical staff surrounded the patient who had just been delivered in bed. It was said that he had been hit by a car and was so serious that he fell into a coma.

Therefore, the medical staff planned to carry out rescue immediately, but under the detection of various instruments, it was found that all the indicators of the patient were out of normal data.

This. Why does it feel a little weird?

Soon, the doctor confirmed the data indicators on the instrument again, and then stretched out his hand to rub his jaw.

The nurse was a little puzzled, "Doctor, this patient doesn't seem to be serious, except for the back injury, but this has nothing to do with coma at all."

Of course, the doctor doesn't know that the patient is fine.Could it be a mistake?
After thinking about it, he could only order: "Forget it, maybe the family members were too anxious when they sent it just now, so they made the situation serious. In this way, I will take care of his back injury, and then you go out and talk to him." The family members made it clear, saying that the patient has no major problems, and then... oh!"

In the middle of the conversation, the eyes of the man lying on the hospital bed suddenly opened, which shocked the doctor.Of course, little nurses are no exception.

Liang Feimo, who had kept his eyes closed all the time, opened them after hearing clearly what the doctor said to the nurse.

In fact, when I was hit by a car, except for my back injury, there was no other problem at all.

Liang Feimo knew that he was not seriously injured, but this was the only chance in his life to make a girl like Rao Shixin panic because of her.

Rao Shichen mentioned the temptation in WeChat before, maybe, not only Rao Shichen, but even he himself wants to try. At the end of life, will the girl he loves give up the freedom to choose him?
The doctor came to his senses after being slightly frightened, so he comforted Liang Feimo, "This patient, don't worry, although you had a car accident, the problem is not serious, you"

When the doctor was only halfway through speaking, Liang Feimo suddenly raised his eyebrows and said, "No, I'm very serious, doctor, you need to help me."

"?" The doctor was stunned, "But the various data on the instrument prove that you are not serious."

Liang Feimo was silent for a moment before speaking: "My injury is not serious, but my love has encountered a serious crisis."

Hearing this, the doctors and nurses were both puzzled.

"The girl who sent me to the hospital just now is my girlfriend. She is a person who loves freedom very much." Liang Feimo explained all the crises between himself and Rao Shixin.

Unexpectedly, the doctors and nurses were very moved after listening to it.

Several people decided to cooperate well in this so-called rescue!

At this time, outside the rescue room.

Rao Shixin intertwined his hands, and was so worried that a fine amount of fragrant sweat broke out from his entire forehead.

You know, country M is now in late autumn, but she is so worried that she is sweating.

(End of this chapter)

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