The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1810 is definitely another kind of enjoyment

Chapter 1810 is definitely another kind of enjoyment

In order to prevent the man from continuing this topic, Lou Jianian simply diverted other words.

She told the man about Lou Shuyu's conviction that she saw online at noon.

The man obviously already knew that too.

The man's expression could only be heard with pleasure, "Convicted, so she will never be able to harass you again."

He still feels dirty about what Lou Shuyu did to him.

Lou Jianian raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "So, I think today is worth celebrating."

"Oh?" Rao Shichen looked at her, pinched her face with his palm, and said, "Is this why you want to eat hot pot?"

Lou Jianian nodded.

So, Rao Shichen asked Xu Chi to drive to a hot pot restaurant.

This is a very famous restaurant, even in summer, there is still an endless stream of people coming to eat hot pot.

Rao Shichen was the guest of honor in this store. As soon as he showed up, a manager-level person came to greet him, and quickly arranged a good private room for him.

The private room is antique, with mahogany-colored exquisite dining tables and dining rooms, ink paintings on the walls, charcoal fire in the copper stove hot pot on the table, and the excellent soup base is boiling.

Of course, hot pot should be served with mutton, duck intestines, and hairy tripe, including some vegetarian dishes, seafood and so on.

Lou Jianian smelled the aroma from the hot pot soup, and couldn't help but want to move his chopsticks immediately.

This store has been in business for a long time, it is said that it has been around for decades from the last century to the present, and it has opened many branches.

Rao Shichen had a shareholding and investment in this store before, so he was treated differently by the manager.

The hot pot restaurant eats the signature.

Lou Jianian picked up the chopsticks, scalded his hairy belly a few times, blew on it, and then put it in his mouth.

At noon, I simply ate a few small snacks, which were bought by Mulberry leaves in a hotel near the company.She ate some casually, and then threw herself into her busy get off work. It wasn't until she got off work that she realized that her stomach was almost flattened by hunger.

Now, seeing the table full of meat and vegetables, she naturally started to eat hot pot immediately.

Rao Shichen also picked up the chopsticks, scalded the meat slices in the pot a few times, and then put them into her bowl.

After a while, a lot of hot meat was piled up in her bowl, and she had no time to eat it.

Throughout the night, Rao Shichen was busy cooking meat for her and pouring tea for her.

She was willing to put down her chopsticks when she had eaten enough and finally had no way to continue.

Seeing that she was satisfied, Rao Shichen took the freshly blanched meat with his chopsticks and put it in his mouth.

After a hot pot meal, both of them were sweating profusely at the end, even though the air conditioner in the private room had been turned on to the lowest level.

When the two of them left the shop, the car that had just arrived was still parked outside.But Xu Chi had already left.

Rao Shichen knew that it would take a long time to eat hot pot, so he asked Xu Chi to leave first, but left the car behind.Therefore, Xu Chi took a taxi.

When I walked out of the store, the street lights outside were shining brightly.

The evening wind blew past, blowing away the sweltering heat of the day, and the two of them felt much more comfortable. After all, it was indeed hot when they ate hot pot just now.

Lou Jianian is very satisfied, being able to eat hot pot in summer is definitely another kind of enjoyment.

But Rao Shichen was more satisfied, as long as Lou Jianian was happy, he could feel happy.

Because they ate a lot and it was still early, the two planned to take a walk.

Walking along the street not far from the hotel, the two held hands, stepped on their respective shadows under the projection of the street lights, and chatted without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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