The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1811 Seems to be urging her to give birth?

Chapter 1811 Seems to be urging her to give birth?
On summer evenings, the air is filled with the fragrance of flowers.

Rao Shichen looked at Lou Jianian's shadow, and his heart seemed to be filled with something.

As they walked, they happened to arrive at a small park, so the two went in.

The park is small, but it has stone tables, chairs, flowers and trees.

Maybe it was just after dinner, some old people and children were also in the park, walking and playing.

Lou Jianian couldn't help but smile as he watched those children chasing and playing.

On the side, Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows slightly, leaned into her ear and asked, "Do you like children?"

Hearing this, Lou Jianian was taken aback for a moment, raised her eyes and glanced at him, not knowing how to answer.

This question seems to have been asked last time.

In fact, she likes children in her heart, but when she is asked, it makes her feel like she is urging her to have one?
Of course, she knew it was just her illusion.

Soon, she suppressed the random thoughts in her mind, and said, "Of course I like it, children are so cute."

Rao Shichen's hazel eyes became darker, and then he said, "Then let's work harder tonight."

Lou Jianian did not answer this question.

She felt that no matter how hard she tried, what should come would always come.

Just let it be.

After walking around in the small park, the two returned to the hot pot restaurant, and then drove back to Xiyuan.

After returning to Xiyuan, needless to say, Lou Jianian was pestered by Rao Shichen throughout the night.Fortunately, she has already finished all the work and processed all the documents that should be processed, otherwise how would she have time to work now?

The lingering continued until before 12 o'clock in the morning, at least it was somewhat restrained.

Lou Jianian was very tired, she fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

Next to him, Rao Shichen helped her tuck the quilt up, and when he was about to hug her and fall asleep together, the mobile phone buzzed and vibrated when he put down the bedside table.

He took a look at his phone, only to find that it was a message from country M.

Seeing the message from the bodyguard, he thought for a while, then clicked on Liang Feimo's WeChat and sent a message.

Rao Shichen: I heard that you were sent to the emergency room to save Shixin from injuries.

At the same time, Liang Feimo, who was in a hospital ward in Country M, replied immediately after receiving the message.

Liang Feimo: I heard someone wants to test me?
This content has obviously revealed something.

Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows, his eyes were more playful, and then he typed.

The message he sent was simple.

Rao Shichen: Sure enough, he is someone who does great things.

Liang Feimo: Thanks to Mr. Rao for his praise.

Rao Shichen: Shi Xin was not injured. As an older brother, I would like to thank him and you.

Liang Feimo: There is no need to thank you, Shi Xin told me that she has reached the marriageable age.

Rao Shichen was a little surprised when he saw the word "marriable age".

He didn't reply, just fell into deep thought.

However, he didn't intend to respond, but the other party insisted on explaining to him.

Liang Feimo: Not surprisingly, I think Mr. Rao should be able to start preparing a dowry for Shi Xin.

Rao Shichen's face darkened when he mentioned the dowry.

So, he typed.

Rao Shichen: So should Shi Xin's bride price also be prepared?
Unexpectedly, the other party replied very readily.

Liang Feimo: Grandpa Rao wants as much bride price, just ask for it, I have absolutely no objection.

This means taking out the elderly to suppress others.

Rao Shichen has been in the mall for many years, how could he not know that Liang Feimo did it on purpose.He didn't reply right away, but just clicked on the old man's WeChat and sent a message directly to the old man.

(End of this chapter)

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