The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1812 The bride price is absolutely indispensable

Chapter 1812 The bride price is absolutely indispensable

In the middle of the night, Rao Yanzhong, who had been sleeping soundly, suddenly became thirsty, which would have awakened Chen Yuhui who was already asleep, so he carefully lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

Unexpectedly, just as he got out of bed, he saw the phone screen on the bedside table next to him suddenly light up, indicating that there was a message.

He likes to play with his mobile phone for a while when he sleeps at night, so he didn't turn off the phone before falling asleep, but just put the mobile phone aside casually.

At this moment, he suddenly saw the phone screen light up, and he wondered who would be so bored to send him a message in the middle of the night.

So, he picked up his phone and looked, only to find that it was from Rao Shichen.

Rao Shichen: How much dowry do you think is appropriate for Shixin to get married?
Seeing the news, he thought it was a mistake.

In the middle of the night, he actually sent a message asking him this?

After thinking about it, he felt that his grandson might be idle and bored.

However, he still thought about the bride price very seriously.

To be honest, as long as Rao Shixin can get married immediately, the bride price is completely dispensable to him.

Thinking of this, he typed and replied.

Rao Yanzhong: As long as someone is willing to marry Shi Xin, the dowry is not required.

Rao Shichen, who received the news, obviously couldn't think of it.

After reading it several times, he was sure that the old man was worried that Rao Shixin was not married yet, so he rushed to push Rao Shixin out even without a bride price.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to tell Liang Feimo the truth about the old man's reply.

No matter what, if Liang Feimo wants to marry Rao Shixin away, the bride price is absolutely indispensable.

After thinking for a while, he typed and sent the message.

Rao Shichen: Grandpa wants your Liang family.

Liang's Jewelry Group can be said to be the top in the global jewelry industry. If they want to buy the entire Liang Corporation, they want to take over the entire Liang family.

It depends on whether he agrees or not.

Liang Feimo frowned slightly when he saw the news, but he still didn't refuse.

I saw him reply very seriously.

Liang Feimo: As long as I can marry Shi Xin, I don't mind giving Liang to you.

Unexpectedly, the other party would be so sincere. In the middle of the night, Rao Shichen thought about choosing an auspicious day and marrying off his sister who was in the way as soon as possible.

Of course, regarding the dowry gift, he didn't plan to talk about it like a lion, what Liang's, he just asked casually, but it's impossible to not have a dowry gift like the old man said.

Thinking that he would never have to be disturbed by Rao Shixin again, he relaxed his eyebrows, put down his phone, put his arms around the girl beside him, and fell asleep together.

Liang Feimo, who was in the hospital, hadn't heard from Rao Shichen for a long time, so he didn't plan to continue asking about the bride price.

As far as he is concerned, no matter what, as long as he can marry Rao Shixin, even if it takes his life, he will still give it to him.

the other side.


The moonlight casts in the room through the window.

On the big bed, Li Xiangyun suddenly opened his eyes, and his whole expression was not right.

She sat up, stretched out her hands as if grabbing something, and yelled, "Shu Yu, my Shu Yu! Lou Jia misses you bastard, I want to kill you, you ruined my Lou family , you go to die! Go to death!"

As she said that, she stumbled out of bed, grabbed the desk lamp next to her and threw all the messy things over.

Then, she rushed to the terrace again, as if pinching something, "It's all your fault, it's all you, bastard, bad guy, bitch!"

At this moment, her eyes were filled with scarlet, and she looked delirious.

Cursing, she leaned forward, crossed the railing with her hands, trying to grab someone, she kept leaning forward, and accidentally fell off the railing.

(End of this chapter)

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