The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1814 Tells the truth directly

Chapter 1814 Tells the truth directly

Seeing that Liang Feimo was obviously in a happy mood, Rao Shixin became angry for no reason.

She folded her arms around her chest and said very seriously and unhappy: "I'm very serious now, you are not allowed to laugh."

As soon as she finished speaking, the man immediately retracted the curve of his lips, and nodded, "Don't laugh."

"Liang Feimo, you are now a patient, and you are not allowed to work until you leave the hospital, do you hear me?"

"it is good."

"It's almost there."

Liang Feimo knew that his body was fine at all, but seeing Rao Shixin so worried about him, there seemed to be a warm current surging in his chest.

Soon, his eyes were familiar, and he said, "I will listen to you in everything from now on."

When Rao Shixin heard it, he was stunned for a moment, and then his ears turned red, and he pretended to respond: "Who can guarantee that we will still be together in the future."

Hearing this, Liang Feimo frowned, "You don't want to marry me?"

"Hmph, there are too many men who want to marry me, Liang Feimo, as long as we haven't received the certificate, I'm still Rao's family."

Hearing this, Liang Feimo was silent for a while, then raised his hand and lifted the quilt to get out of bed.

Seeing that the man was about to get up, Rao Shixin became anxious and immediately stopped him, "What are you doing? The doctor told you to stay in bed."

"You've said it all. If you haven't received the certificate yet, then you are from Rao's family. If that's the case, let's go get the certificate now." While speaking, Liang Feimo stretched out his hand to grab Rao Shixin's wrist, and then got out of bed.

After Rao Shixin shied away a few times, he didn't have the strength to stop the man.

There was really no other way, she could only hug the man's waist tightly, "Liang Feimo, you need to rest now, you can't get out of bed, and we will talk about getting the certificate when you return to China."

Liang Feimo paused, looking at the girl who was bending over and hugging him in front of him.

From this angle, the girl's long curly hair hangs loosely behind her, and her slender and perfect waist looks beautiful.

Maybe he knew that the girl was anxious, so he raised his hand and touched the girl's head, "Do you agree to get the certificate?"

As his words fell, the girl paused clearly, and then fell silent.

Seeing that the girl didn't answer, he grabbed her hand and said, "If I remember correctly, when I was in the emergency room, you promised to marry me?"

The man has already stated the truth very directly.

Rao Shixin felt a little uneasy on her face, and in the next second, she let go of her hands and slapped the man, "You want me to marry you without any preparation, it's a beautiful idea!"

Hearing this, Liang Feimo was silent, and followed his brows with joy.

Rao Shixin was a little angry, and put his hands on his hips, "What are you laughing at, don't laugh."

However, just as she finished speaking, she saw the man hugging her body, turning around again, and then pinning her down.

The atmosphere in the entire ward changed immediately.

Rao Shixin didn't expect the man to be so strong when he was injured.

She was suppressed and couldn't move at all, but she still wanted to resist, so she raised her hand and pushed the man, "Let me go, what should I do when someone comes in and sees it?"

However, her words didn't work at all. The man didn't let her go, but hugged her even more tightly, and buried his head on her neck and shoulders, saying, "I haven't seen you all day, let me I give you a hug."

Maybe it was because of hearing the man say that, Rao Shixin's heart softened immediately.

In fact, she seemed to be busy working all day today, but all she could think about was the man in front of her.

She always subconsciously wondered if he had eaten or taken medicine in the hospital, had he scared the doctor away?
(End of this chapter)

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