The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1815 Enjoying the temperature of a girl

Chapter 1815 Enjoying the temperature of a girl
Rao Shixin didn't struggle, and leaned into Liang Feimo's arms obediently.

The whole ward became much quieter.

Liang Feimo closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth of a girl.

Although he was busy with work all day today, her figure would always flash through his mind.

The two hugged like this until an awkward grunt sounded.

Liang Feimo frowned slightly, opened his eyes, looked at the person in his arms, and asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Cough..." Rao Shixin's eyes flickered for a moment before he said, "I came to the hospital just after finishing work. Of course I haven't eaten yet."

Hearing this, Liang Feimo was silent for a while, and added more warmth to his face, "Don't rush to the hospital to see me, with Wen Rong here, I will be fine."

Rao Shixin felt that what he said just now seemed to have given away his thoughts.

Although she was really anxious to come to the hospital to see him when she finished her work, it was because she was worried about his condition, but he always exposed her thoughts in such a straightforward manner, and she always felt offended.

"Who said I was in a hurry to come to the hospital to see you, I just happened to be passing by after work."

Liang Feimo smiled lowly.But soon, his low laughter aroused the girl's dissatisfaction.

Rao Shixin was very unhappy and wanted to leave.Liang Feimo didn't want to, so he forced her to stay.

Knowing that she hadn't had dinner yet, Liang Feimo called Wen Rong directly and told Wen Rong to go to a restaurant outside to buy some food.

Not long after, Wen Rong brought a bag full of delicacies.

Sushi, noodles, salads, nutritious porridge and more.

Rao Shixin looked at the delicious food on the table, and she, who was already hungry, picked up the sushi immediately and started eating.

On the side, Liang Feimo frowned deeply as she watched her eat so eagerly, and said, "Don't be hungry next time."

Rao Shixin didn't have time to respond to him at all, and just kept sweeping away the food.

And Liang Feimo held a tissue, sometimes helped her wipe her mouth, and sometimes brought her water to drink.

When Rao Shixin was full, he remembered that Liang Feimo hadn't eaten yet.So, she hurriedly pushed all the delicacies on the table in front of Liang Feimo, "You haven't eaten yet, hurry up and eat."

Hearing this, Liang Feimo was silent, and when he raised his hand to take the sushi, he suddenly let out a muffled groan with a hiss.

"What's wrong?" Rao Shixin noticed his strangeness and couldn't help asking worriedly.

Liang Feimo frowned and said, "Maybe I didn't pay attention to rest today, and suddenly felt back pain when I raised my hand."

As soon as he heard the man say that his back hurts, Rao Shixin immediately became anxious.You know, the man's back was injured just to save her.

"I told you not to work." Rao Shixin couldn't help but reprimanded a few words, "Who told you to be disobedient."

Liang Feimo was stunned for a moment, and almost didn't realize it, just because Rao Shixin's words and the emotions on his face just now were all like a little daughter-in-law's behavior to her husband.

"Well, it's all my fault for not paying attention, I won't do it next time."

Rao Shixin didn't expect a man to say that, and the displeasure in his heart faded instantly.Soon, she picked up the sushi on the table, brought it to the man's mouth, and said, "Eat."

Looking at the sushi in front of him, Liang Feimo opened his mouth and bit the sushi without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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