The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1818 Can't help being moved

Chapter 1818 Can't help being moved
Lou Jianian knew that he was not fully prepared this time.

In fact, he was going on a business trip anyway, so it would be better to tell him from the beginning, so as to save the trouble of saying it until now, which would make him unhappy.

"Since you're going on a business trip, why did you tell me now?" Rao Shichen was a businessman after all, so of course he knew that Lou Jianian's business trip must have been planned long ago.

Lou Jianian felt a little unreasonable for a moment, "I'm sorry, husband."

"You know, I don't want to hear you say sorry." Rao Shichen frowned even deeper.

Lou Jianian really had no choice, so he put his arms around Rao Shichen's arms, and sighed, "If you really find it unacceptable, then I won't go."

Hearing this, Rao Shichen was silent for a moment.Then, I saw him holding Lou Jianian's bright wrist in his palm, and while slowly rubbing it, he said: "Go."

Hearing this, Lou Jianian froze for a moment, "Husband?"

"Although you are my daughter-in-law, you are also Lou's top executor. If you like your career, then I will help you." Rao Shichen's eyes were deep, without the slightest bit of reluctance.

Lou Jianian's eyes became hot, and he couldn't help being moved immediately.

She didn't know what kind of luck she had in her life to be able to marry such an outstanding man.

"Husband, thank you." Thousands of words can only be turned into a thank you in the end.

Rao Shichen rubbed Lou Jianian's head with his palm, raised his eyebrows and said, "I don't need an apology or a thank you."

In this way, after successfully informing the man about the business trip, Lou Jianian got up around seven o'clock the next day.

After the preparations last night, the suitcases and everything have already been prepared.

After breakfast, Rao Shichen drove Lou Jianian to the airport.

When they arrived at the airport, Rao Shichen grabbed Lou Jianian and kissed him fiercely, before letting him go. So, Lou Jianian got on the plane with a lip that was almost swollen.

Fortunately, country A is not too far away, and it only takes about a few hours by plane.

Lou Jianian had already arranged the hotel in advance.

As soon as she got off the airport, she immediately hailed a taxi and went to the hotel.

In China, Rao Shichen was in a state of low pressure all day long. Of course, Xu Chi, his assistant, also noticed it.

From morning to now, Rao Shichen has been keeping a serious attitude. During the meeting, some unlucky ghost forgot to turn off his phone, and was shot coldly by Rao Shichen countless times.

Xu Chi minimized his sense of presence, and he would hardly show up in Rao Shichen's office unless necessary.

It wasn't until Xu Chi got the news from somewhere that the young lady had gone to country A on a business trip, that Xu Chi finally understood the reason for Mr. Rao's low pressure.

To be honest, as an assistant, he felt that his next job might be a bit difficult. After all, he didn't know how long it would take for the young lady to come back from a business trip.

Thinking about it, he sighed unconsciously.

After Lou Jianian settled down in the hotel, he ordered a meal for the hotel waiter to bring it up.

In the morning, in order not to delay the plane, she ate a little casually and went out. She didn't eat the plane meal if it didn't suit her appetite, and she was so hungry until now.

The hotel's service is still very attentive, from ordering to delivery time is still very fast.

After Lou Jianian got the meal, while eating the delicious food, she dialed a wechat video to Rao Shichen with her mobile phone.

(End of this chapter)

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