Chapter 1819 is still skeptical
When Rao Shichen returned to the office just after the meeting, the phone buzzed and vibrated.

Without delay, he immediately took out his mobile phone and connected immediately after seeing the WeChat video sent by someone.

As he tapped the button with his finger, a girl's palm-sized face appeared on the phone screen.

It was mid-afternoon in country A, and the warm sun shone through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The girl was sitting on the sofa wearing the clothes she wore when she took the plane in the morning, with delicious food on the table.

Seeing this, he raised his eyebrows slightly, "Just had dinner?"

On the other end of the phone, Lou Jianian was eating pasta with a fork in his hand, and said, "The plane meal is not very appetizing, I haven't eaten much."

Rao Shichen rubbed the edge of the phone with his slender fingers, his brows furrowed a little, "No matter what, it's not good to eat until now after being hungry. With you like this, it's hard for me to doubt whether you can take care of yourself outside?"

Hearing this, Lou Jianian rolled up the pasta with a fork and put it in his mouth, while responding: "You can rest assured about this, it won't happen from tomorrow onwards, I will eat well for three meals."

"Did you do what you said?" Rao Shichen still remained skeptical.

Lou Jianian thought for a while, "Do you want me to take photos at the time of three meals a day for you to see?"

"It's a good suggestion." Rao Shichen thought about it seriously.

Lou Jianian was stunned for a moment, but still sighed softly, "Husband, I will take care of myself, so don't worry, by the way, I'm not in China, you should eat well, you know?"

"If you can do it, I can do it."

"Then make a video for every meal?"


So the two decided.

Perhaps it was because of the video call that Rao Shichen's originally depressed state eased up.

After Lou Jianian finished his meal, there was no time to rest.After changing her clothes, she went out and went directly to the company.


Liang Feimo stayed in the hospital for several days and recovered quickly.

Because Rao Shixin's work is basically finished, and the domestic "Zhaoyang Tianxia" crew can't delay, after all, the filming of the film has not yet been finished.

In this way, Liang Feimo decided to return to China with Rao Shixin.

The two of them didn't book a plane ticket, so they took a private jet to go back.

Of course, the plane belonged to Liang Feimo.

On the plane, Liang Feimo also took care of some work while resting.

Rao Shixin also seized the time to read the script and so on.

Although "Zhaoyang Tianxia" still has her role, there are not many left.

In order for her to get involved in another drama immediately after filming this drama, she could only take the opportunity to familiarize herself with the script first.This time she chose the Republic of China drama, which was very challenging.

The plane flies through the clear blue sky with white clouds.

Rao Shixin looked at the script quietly, his facial features were very three-dimensional, like a beautiful painting.

Liang Feimo was dealing with work, and this was what he saw when he suddenly raised his eyes.

At that moment, his eyebrows were deep, and he couldn't look away.

Wen Rong was by the side and noticed it too.He originally wanted to report on his work, so he shut up tactfully.

Moreover, he can look left and right, or up and down, but he doesn't fall on the girl in the opposite chair.

Although he knew very well that Miss Rao was very beautiful, he knew even more that Mr. Liang could only appreciate Miss Rao's beauty. As for the others, he didn't even think about it.

As an assistant, he has already figured out Mr. Liang's dominance and possessiveness.

(End of this chapter)

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