The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1820 Planning to give a girl a surprise

Chapter 1820 Planning to Surprise the Girl

The time on the plane became quiet and beautiful for a while.

Rao Shixin looked at the script and felt that his eyes were a little sore, so he closed the script and planned to take a rest.

As a result, when she put down the script, she realized that a pair of dark eyes seemed to be staring at her not far away.

She subconsciously looked at the opposite table, and suddenly her gaze fell into the man's deep black pupils.

At that moment, she froze for a moment, and then realized that the man had been looking at her just now.

To be honest, she didn't notice it at all, maybe she was too absorbed in reading the script.

When Liang Feimo put down the script and glanced over, she had no plans to work at all.

He got up, walked to the opposite side of the table with his long legs, and then sat down directly beside the girl. He stretched out his hand to hold the girl's wrist, rubbed it slowly, and said, "You are so absorbed in reading the script?"

Rao Shixin leaned back on the seat lazily, and responded: "There is no way, this is my next drama to shoot, it may be a bit difficult, I always have to familiarize myself with it a few times in advance."

Hearing this, Liang Feimo was silent for a while, and his eyes turned to the script, "Are you going to take it?"

"Sister Yang has already agreed to the director for me. In fact, I am quite worried that I will not be able to grasp this drama. It is my first time to accept a Republic of China drama. Thinking about it, I feel that my head is too big."

"Then don't accept it."

"No, the filming of "Zhaoyang Tianxia" is almost finished. When the TV series airs, the reputation should be good. I have to strike while the iron is hot and pick up another drama. This year, I have to let all the black fans know. I'm sorry. Shi Xin won the award based on her acting skills and strength."

Liang Fei raised his eyebrows slightly, "You like filming so much?"

"Of course, I don't think I will quit the showbiz in my life, even if grandpa forces me to."

Liang Feimo didn't say anything, but just memorized the script on the table.At this moment, he has already made a plan in his heart to invest 5000 million into the film crew.

Of course, Rao Shixin didn't know Liang Feimo's thoughts at all, he just kept talking about his dream of acting.

I just heard her say, "Actually, when I first started filming, I felt very novel. When I watched TV series before, I felt that I had no idea about filming. If I hadn't met Sister Yang, I think I should have It's unlikely to be exposed to acting."

Liang Feimo listened to her quietly, until she said she was thirsty, and planned to pour her a glass of water, but she refused, and said with disgust: "Just take care of yourself, don't forget to leave the hospital The doctor told you that you still need to rest more."

Being so disgusted by the girl, Liang Feimo's eyes were full of joy.

Soon, Rao Shixin made coffee by himself, and poured Liang Feimo a cup of cold boiled water by the way.When she handed Liang Feimo the cold boiled water, she still reminded: "It's time to take your medicine."

When Liang Feimo took the cool white pills, Wen Rong tactfully found the pills and handed them over.

So, Liang Feimo, under the supervision of Rao Shixin, caught cold and swallowed the pill in one gulp without saying a word.

Rao Shixin's eyes filled with satisfaction.

Since it will take some time for the plane to fly back to China, Rao Shixin drank coffee and went to lie down in the inner cabin to rest. As for Liang Feimo, he planned to read the remaining documents.

When Liang Feimo finished reading the document, there was still a lot of time left.

He looked at his watch, and then asked Wen Rong again: "Is everything ready at the airport?"

"Mr. Liang, don't worry, I have already arranged everything. All the arrangements are in accordance with the romantic style Miss Rao likes. I guarantee that Miss Rao will be moved."

Hearing this, Liang Feimo nodded.

This time when he returned to China, he planned to surprise the girl.

(End of this chapter)

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