The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1821 I feel tired just thinking about it

Chapter 1821 I feel tired just thinking about it

In the inner cabin, Rao Shixin might be too sleepy.

I saw that she fell asleep for nearly two hours after lying down.

When she woke up, the plane just landed.

So, she simply packed up, put on sunglasses and a mask, and prepared to get off the plane.

Because she was flying in a private jet, the media and fans didn't know about her return to China, which saved her from troubles, at least she didn't have to worry about being surrounded when she walked out of the airport.

Liang Feimo tidied up his clothes a little, then reached out to hold Rao Shixin's hand.

Just when the two of them were about to leave the cabin door, Rao Shixin suddenly stopped and said, "Wait, you forgot to wear a mask."

Liang Feimo raised his eyebrows, "Is it necessary?"

"Of course it is necessary. Now who doesn't know that you, Liang Feimo, and I are in a relationship. Believe it or not, as long as your face is exposed outside the airport, someone will immediately recognize me as Rao Shixin?"

"So what if you recognize it? We didn't steal or rob, and we are serious about our relationship."

Rao Shixin couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Although we didn't steal or rob, we are public figures, and I don't want to be on the hot searches anymore. Those media don't report on my acting all day long, but they always come to stare at me. It's enough to make a fuss about my love life."

Hearing this, Liang Feimo's dark eyes became a little interested, "It seems that the media reporters are also very concerned about our relationship."

Rao Shixin curled her lips, "I don't care, anyway, if you wear a mask, I don't want to be recognized."

In fact, the man was telling the truth, and the media reporters were gossiping about the relationship between her and Liang Feimo.

However, as a star, why should she be used by reporters to make a fuss about her relationship?

For her, she hopes that the audience and the media can focus on her acting skills.

Could it be that no one can see that she has been filming with all her heart?
I feel tired just thinking about it.

After Liang Feimo hesitated for a few seconds, he finally obeyed Rao Shixin's words and put on the mask.

In fact, for him, it doesn't matter whether he wears a mask or not. After all, he still has to take off the mask when he walks out of the airport.

Soon, after he put the mask on, he grabbed the girl's hand in his palm and said, "Let's go."

Rao Shixin didn't say any more, and the man obediently still held hands, and then got off the plane.

Behind him, Wen Rong immediately stepped up and got off the plane.

When getting off the plane, Rao Shixin discovered a strange point, that is, there seemed to be no one in the place he passed by?
She thought it was a special situation at the airport today.

However, it turned out that she was right, and today's airport does have special circumstances.

When she got to the airport, she realized that the entire airport was surrounded by ribbons, and the sky was filled with pink balloons, and there was a big rose heart shape in the middle of the ground. On the LED screen in front, it was playing Looking at her portrait, there is a black piano in front of the door not far away, and the pianist is wearing a black suit.

The moment she walked out, the pianist immediately put his hands on the keys, and a beautiful and romantic piano piece poured out, accompanied by a violinist and a saxophone. The beautiful instruments collided to produce the most beautiful music.

At that moment, she was stunned, and then she heard the man next to her asking in her ear: "Do you like it?"

When she glanced at the man, she realized that the man's mask had already been taken off, revealing his handsome face.

(End of this chapter)

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