The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1828 She Doesn't Want To Move At All

Chapter 1828 She Doesn't Want To Move At All

Lou Jianian was sitting in front of the computer, listening to Bei Xiao's heartfelt singing, his heart was very moved.

Everyone will fall into the abyss, and within the scope of her ability, she is willing to lend a helping hand to everyone.

Now, seeing that Bei Xiao can go through a transformation and stand on the stage exuding confidence, she feels that it was the right decision to pull Bei Xiao into Ya'an.

After the song was over, the concert finally came to an end.

Bei Xiao made a ninety-degree bow to all the fans in the audience, and then waved goodbye.

Today's concert will definitely become a miracle in the music world.

Bei Xiao is a well-deserved No.1.

Next, all the company's arrangements for Bei Xiao were handed over to Yang Zhaolin, and Lou Jianian knew that he had no time to spare.

It is really thanks to Yang Zhaolin that Ya'an was founded until now.

Lou Jianian turned off the computer and looked at the mountains of documents on the desk, one head and two big.

Looks like I'm going to be busy again today.

She planned to get some instant noodles for dinner and forget about it. After all, there was no time to waste.

In the two days since she came to country A, she has already busy herself like a spinning top.

Opening and closing eyes every day is work, and she doesn't even want to relax, even the sleep time has been reduced.

In fact, she can also stop for a while to let herself breathe, just thinking that if the work can be completed as soon as possible, then she can strive to return to China earlier.

At this moment, all that flashed through her mind was Rao Shichen.

I don't know what this man is doing, did he sleep well?
Thinking of this, she couldn't help but want to send a video call, and she did.

However, when her video call was sent, the other party did not connect.

Is it a meeting?
After thinking about it, she simply pinched it off.

In order to finish all the work as soon as possible and then go back, she thinks it is better not to waste time.

Next, she sat at the desk and worked continuously for several hours. During the period, except for eating instant noodles and making a cup of coffee, she hardly got up at other times.

After dealing with part of the work in this way, it was already very late, almost almost 12 o'clock.

There is no way, in order to get up early to work tomorrow, she can only deal with it temporarily.

She turned off the computer, got up, took her bag and drove back to the hotel.

During the business trip to country A, she planned to stay in the hotel all the time, so it was already arranged when she got off the plane.

Soon, when she returned to the hotel, she directly took the key card, swiped the door and entered.

The entire hotel suite was dark, except for the little light that came in from the floor-to-ceiling windows.

So, she reached out and touched the button on the wall, and turned on the light with a snap.

The hotel room is large, but it seems a little quiet.

Especially after nightfall, vehicles come and go on the overpass in the distance, and the bright neon lights light up the whole city.

The biggest difference between Country A and Country Hua is the difference in architecture.

The buildings here are all European-style, full of romance, and the climate is also very good. If you can choose, it is a good decision to stay here for the elderly.

However, because she is from China, she should still choose to go to China for retirement in the future.

Back at the hotel, she felt relaxed for a while, and she didn't feel sleepy at all. On the way here, she originally planned to take a shower and lie down to sleep after returning.

But now, she didn't want to move at all.

Late at night, she wanted to have a drink, so she walked to the bar and poured herself a glass of red wine.

At this moment, she suddenly heard a rustling sound from the bathroom.

anyone? !
(End of this chapter)

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