The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1829 I just want to let the other party relax their vigilance

Chapter 1829 I just want to let the other party relax their vigilance
Lou Jianian lived alone in the entire hotel room.

Now, there was a sound from the bathroom, which could only mean that someone had come in.

Lou Jianian is different from other girls.Because she can fly over walls and has skills in hand, she will not be afraid at all.

However, she felt that she spent money to stay in a hotel, but she didn't even have any security. She was able to protect herself well. What would other girls do if they encountered this situation?
Thinking of this, she decided to go to the bathroom to control that person first, and then ask the hotel manager to come over and give an explanation!

If a hotel doesn't even have this kind of security, what business is there?
So, she put down her wine glass and walked towards the bathroom.

The bathroom door was closed, and there was a warm yellow light inside. This man was quite bold, knowing that the owner had returned to the hotel, he dared to turn on the light so blatantly.

It seems that this person came prepared, he already knew that the owner of this hotel room was a girl.

Next, she raised her hand and knocked on the bathroom door, but there was no sound from inside.

Thought it would be fine without making a sound?
She already knew there was someone inside.

"Cough is it the hotel staff? I called in the morning and said that the toilet was clogged. Why did you come to fix it now? And why did you enter here at will when I was not in the hotel room? Please open the door Come out and explain."

When she said this, she deliberately took a dissatisfied tone, so that the other party could feel that she hadn't found out that anyone with bad intentions had entered here.

In fact, she just wanted to let the other party relax their vigilance.

As she finished speaking, there was a click from the door inside, which was obviously unlocked.

Seeing that the other party was about to open the door, she stepped back a little bit, trying to use her strength secretly, intending to control the other party when she came out.

The door was slowly opened, first there was a gap.
Just when she was ready, the light in the bathroom suddenly went dark with a snap, and then the door opened, and before she could react, her wrist was grabbed by the palm of the person inside.

The man suddenly pulled her into the bathroom, and the door was closed with a slam, but she was controlled by the wall after being reversed by the man's force.

In the dark, because he couldn't see, he could clearly tell that the other party was a man.

Lou Jianian didn't expect to make a mistake.However, with her ability, how could she be easily controlled by others?
I saw that she pushed the man away with all her strength, and then took the opportunity to sweep her legs to trip him, but she didn't expect that the man seemed to have anticipated her move, so he easily avoided it, and in turn grabbed her by the shoulder With a hard push, she was controlled to the wall again.


Because she refused to admit defeat, she decided to go straight to acupuncture, but she didn't expect that the man seemed to have guessed her thoughts, grabbed her wrists with two palms and held her high above her head, and suppressed her.

Just when she was so angry that she suddenly heard the man say in a low and hoarse voice in the dark space, "I haven't seen you for two days, and you're just doing this to me?"

When this familiar voice sounded, she froze.

It's him!

Even though she had preconceived that this man was a bad person from just now until now, when the man's voice rang in her ears, she immediately knew that this man was Rao Shichen!

At this moment, with a snap, the lights finally came on!
(End of this chapter)

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