The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1851 Liang Feimo directly admitted

Chapter 1851 Liang Feimo directly admitted

Lou Jianian pursed her lips a few times and said, "Auntie, the child is still young, so he will be fine if he is taught slowly." In fact, she didn't know how to comfort her.

"Hey, she's eight years old. It might be that everyone spoils her too much, which makes her more and more unruly. Anyway, I want to go back and discuss with your uncle where to send Ke'er for education, so that she can be educated." Ke'er's thinking has been corrected." An Luomei looked sad when she said this.

Obviously, An Luomei was very worried about the children's ideological education.

Lou Jianian didn't quite understand, "Ideological education?"

In fact, in the conversation with the little girl just now, she felt that there seemed to be no problem with the little girl's thinking.

Although the little girl doesn't like her as a cousin, the little girl looks like she has a lot of contacts and is also very smart.

An Luomei's eyes flickered a few times, and she said with a dry smile: "Well, anyway, apart from thinking, there is also a matter of politeness, but Ke'er probably met some friends I don't know, anyway, now I am getting more and more confused She's right, by the way, it's getting late, I'll go downstairs to arrange breakfast first." After finishing speaking, she left in a hurry.

From the back of An Luomei leaving in a hurry, Lou Jianian saw that An Luomei seemed to have something that she didn't want her to know.

Of course, she is not the kind of gossip, and it is not up to her, a cousin, to give advice on how to educate the little girl.

On the other side, after An Luomei went downstairs, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The words her daughter said last night are still ringing in her ears.

Hey, it's ridiculous that my cousin likes my cousin!
Thinking about it, she instantly felt her heart suffocate again.


It was still pitch black outside the window, apparently it was still dark.

On the big bed, Rao Shixin fell into a drowsy sleep.

She turned over, but accidentally bumped into a thick chest. Immediately, she felt a sense of warmth, so she adjusted a comfortable position and continued to sleep.

The whole room is filled with sweetness.

Liang Feimo hugged the person in his arms tightly, his dark eyes were no longer sleepy.

In one day, he was going to meet Rao Shixin's elders in Country A.

The man who had always been strategizing in the business world was in trouble at this moment.

After all, it was the first time meeting an elder, and he didn't know what to give with sincerity.

This question made him think for a long time.

Just when he was frowning, the eyelids of the person in his arms moved, and then slowly opened.

"Hmm..." Rao Shixin rubbed his eyes and asked, "Why don't you sleep?"

At this moment, Liang Feimo realized that the person who had been sleeping soundly in his arms had woken up.

"can not fall asleep."

Rao Shixin raised his eyebrows, "Why?"

"What do you think should be given to grandma and uncle?" Liang Feimo looked serious.

Rao Shixin was stunned, "Could it be because you couldn't sleep because you thought about this question?"

"Yes." Liang Feimo admitted directly.

"You are boring enough." Rao Shixin turned over, turned his back to him, and said with disgust: "It seems that you were not exhausted last night, and you can still think about this kind of problem before dawn."

Liang Feimo said seriously, "Didn't you tell me to take it easy and say that you still have to film in the morning? It's not yet dawn, I think you don't look too tired, and you can still wake up halfway, why don't we take advantage of it?" Do something practical now?"

Rao Shixin: "."

This bastard!
(End of this chapter)

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