The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1852 Never playing big names

Chapter 1852 Never playing big names

Sunlight pours into the room through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

After Rao Shixin had a simple breakfast, he went to the set.

Of course, Liang Feimo made the breakfast himself, and Liang Feimo drove him to the set.

After arriving at the set, Rao Shixin was not late either.

The timing was just right.

Although she is a big star, she never plays big names.She's never deliberately early, but she's also never late and leaves the cast waiting for her alone.

Growing up in country A since she was a child, she knows how to respect people, and she never thought that she was superior to others just because she was a princess.

Walking into the crew, I saw that the staff was already making preparations, and the other actors were already putting on makeup and changing clothes.

After Rao Shixin came, he didn't waste any time, and immediately asked the makeup artist to put on makeup for him.

It basically takes more than an hour to do makeup and styling. During this time, Xiao Zhang is very thoughtful and handed over a bottle of energy water from time to time.

In summer, after putting on makeup and changing clothes, you have to start filming, and people are prone to dehydration and fatigue. Xiaozhang is a careful person, and knows when to do things.

I have to say that Rao Shixin is indeed a little thirsty since he rushed to the set in the morning and didn't have time to rest before starting to make up and change clothes.

Seeing that Xiaozhang handed over the energy water, she raised her hand to take it and took a few sips.Because her lips were covered with lipstick, she could only take smaller sips and drink more.

After putting on makeup and changing clothes, it happened that Shen Qinghuan started calling for someone.

The time is just right.

When she walked out of the tent, she saw the actors getting ready one after another.

"Zhaoyang Tianxia" has been filmed so far, and her part is basically done.

In most of the following scenes, she is not needed to appear in many scenes.

Shen Qinghuan was shouting loudly, and after a while, the assistant director walked over.

I don't know what I was discussing with Shen Qinghuan, but I saw the two big men frowning.

Rao Shixin was a little curious, so he couldn't help walking forward and asking, "Director Shen, what's the matter? Are you frowning?"

As soon as Shen Qinghuan saw that it was Rao Shixin, he raised his hand and patted the forehead, and said, "Oh, Shixin, you came just in time, you can help me pay attention these two days, and see if there is anyone around you who is suitable to play our role." It belongs to the Zixia girl in the play."

"Miss Zixia?" Rao Shixin was stunned for a moment, then remembered that in the script he had read before, a girl Zixia would appear in the back.

It is written in the script that Miss Zixia is like a fairy, and can fly nine days away. Of course, this is actually an exaggeration, and it depends on the director's intentions.

The entire TV series production, except for investors or producers, is the director's final say.

Shen Qinghuan looked extremely troubled, "Hey, Miss Zixia can fly into the sky. I have never been sure who to play. I originally decided to play Chen Zhao, but I didn't expect Chen Zhao to tell me that there is no way to take this role. It's true."

The so-called Chen Zhao was the one who became famous after a movie "Parents Were Short" was released some time ago.

Probably because he didn't expect that his fame would suddenly increase, so he naturally looked down on small roles and so on, and now he was going to pick up the protagonist.

Rao Shixin is also someone who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, so he naturally knows the thoughts of the actors.

Seeing that Shen Qinghuan was so worried, she could only comfort her: "Let me pay more attention. If there is a suitable person, I will recommend it to you later."

"Okay, let's do this for the time being. I'll ask the other staff members of the production team to help me think about it. I actually have two backup lists, but I always feel unsatisfied. In the end, I really have no choice but to let the members of the backup list People are coming to play."

(End of this chapter)

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