The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1853 Is she really not worthy of being loved?

Chapter 1853 Is she really not worthy of being loved?

Soon, this topic passed, and filming began.

After a scene was filmed, Rao Shixin was so tired that he almost collapsed.

Fortunately, there are not many scenes that belong to her.

After filming, she took a week or two off with Shen Qinghuan.

Anyway, her roles were similar, and Shen Qinghuan readily agreed to let her have a vacation.

the other side.

Country A.


Lou Jianian has been busy all day, and it's time for dinner.

Unexpectedly, when she just entered the office, she saw a bento on the table.

Originally, she planned to have some instant noodles for lunch, but she didn't expect someone to bring her lunch.

There is no need to doubt, she knows that it must be sent by a man.

So, she took out her mobile phone and sent a message to the man.

Lou Jianian: Thank you husband for the bento, I have received it.

Not long after the message was sent, I received a reply from the man.

Rao Shichen: What bento?
Seeing this, Lou Jianian couldn't help being puzzled.Didn't he send the bento over?If not, who is it?
Just when she had doubts, a message suddenly appeared in the wechat group on her mobile phone.

Fu Siruo: @志志志, did you receive the bento?
After reading the news, Lou Jianian realized that the bento was sent by his grandmother.

Soon, she replied in the group.

Lou Jianian: Got it, thank you grandma.

Fu Siruo: You're welcome. Remember to eat well. Although work is very important, don't forget to take care of yourself. (`) than heart
Lou Jianian: Don't worry, grandma, I will eat on time and take care of myself. I will go back to accompany you after get off work in the evening.

Fu Siruo: Alright, grandma will be waiting for you tonight. By the way, what would you like to eat tonight?
Lou Jianian: Anything is fine.

An Luomei: If you want to eat something, you can tell it in the group, and I will let the chef prepare it at night.

Lou Jianian: Thank you, aunt.

An Luomei: They are all family members, thank you so much, it's too weird.

Lou Jianian: Then I won’t talk about it in the future.Smile.jpg
Fu Siruo: Blink.jpg
An Luomei: Cute.jpg
Rao Shixin:?

Fu Siruo: What is that person upstairs doing?

Rao Shixin: Grandma, aunt, didn't the two of you plan to care about the weak, helpless and pitiful me? ? ?
An Luomei: Booger Picking.jpg
Rao Shixin: Aunt, this expression does not match your temperament.

Fu Siruo: Shit!Your aunt can post whatever she wants, you have no control over it.

Rao Shixin:! ! !

Fu Siruo: Hmph!
Rao Shixin, who was watching the WeChat group, felt that he had been neglected.

Moreover, since when did grandma like to say bullshit to her as much as grandpa?
Is she really not worthy of being loved?

Boo!Suddenly a little heartache is swollen?
Of course, this heartache only lasted for a few seconds, after all, her food arrived.

At this moment, Xiaozhang bought her some snacks from Jinyuan Restaurant.

Just smelling the snacks was enough to make her forget all her troubles, not to mention when she squeezed the snacks and bit them down, she was so satisfied that a sense of happiness appeared in the corners of her eyes and brows.

After eating snacks, she began to take off her makeup and change into other clothes.

Before filming, she was almost as busy as she was, and she didn't sleep much, but now it's all right, anyway, she doesn't have many roles left, so she has a lot of time.

Furthermore, since tomorrow she will fly to country A, since she is going to meet grandma, uncle and other elders, she naturally needs to prepare some gifts of her own.

Just like that, she asked Xiaozhang to drive to the mall for a stroll.

Then I bought several gifts.

(End of this chapter)

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